Marine Passenger Fee Program

MPF Proposal Submission

Background Information

In 1999, City and Borough of Juneau voters passed Proposition 1, assigning a fee of $5 per cruise ship passenger to assist in funding projects that enhance the tourism experience and offset community impacts created by the cruise ship industry. In 2008, the Assembly amended the ordinance to provide for the solicitation to be issued by posting on the CBJ website and disestablished the Marine Passenger Fee Proceeds Committee.

The City Manager annually develops a proposed list of Marine Passenger Fee Proceeds funded projects through requests from the industry, city departments, and individual businesses and citizens. All proposals received for Marine Passenger Fee project requests will be forwarded with the City Manager’s proposed list to the Assembly Finance Committee.

Contact Information

If you have questions please contact the City Manager’s Office at 907-586-5240 or email Tourism Manager Alexandra Pierce at [email protected].

Here are the City Manager’s draft recommendations for use of Marine Passenger Fees for FY24:

Finance Committee Memo Passenger Fee Proposal

Attachment A_Infrastructure Needs

Attachment B_MPF Requests Table

Attachment C_FY24 MPF Requests Combined

Comments on the draft recommendations list may be sent by March 17, 2023, to Tourism Manager Alexandra Pierce at 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801 or [email protected].

After the 30-day comment period (ending March 17, 2023), a final recommendation list will be prepared and posted on this site.  The final list will be forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee and then forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.

Here are the City Manager’s draft recommendations for use of Marine Passenger Fees for FY23:

FY2023 Manager’s Fee Proposal

Assembly Memo:  Additional Information on Dock Electrification

Comments on the draft recommendations list may be sent by March 4, 2022, to Tourism Manager Alexandra Pierce at 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801 or [email protected].

After the 30-day comment period (ending March 4, 2022), a final recommendation list will be prepared and posted on this site.  The final list will be forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee and then forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.

Here are the City Manager’s draft recommendations for use of Marine Passenger Fees for FY22:

FY2022 Manager’s Passenger Fee Proposal

Comments on the draft recommendations list may be sent by March 1, 2021, to Susan Phillips at 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801 or [email protected]

After the 30-day comment period (ending March 1, 2021), a final recommendation list will be prepared and posted on this site.  The final list will be forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee and then forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.

Here is the City Manager’s draft recommendations for use of Marine Passenger Fees for FY21.

Marine Passenger Fee Recommendations for FY21

Comments on the draft recommendation list may be sent by March 9, 2020, to Susan Phillips, 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, AK 99801 or [email protected].

After the 30-day comment period (ending March 9, 2020), a final recommendation list will be prepared and posted on this site.  The final list will be forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee and then forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.

Submittal Process/Timeline:

Proposals accepted from: December 3, 2018 through close of business January 2, 2019. Submittals received after January 2, 2019 will not be considered.  Proposals should be submitted to the City Manager’s Office, attention Susan Phillips, at [email protected], or 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801.

CBJ Code requires that the draft allocations be made available for public comment for 30 days.  Public comment will close on  May 2, 2019.

Final Recommendation List will be posted on the CBJ website in March 2019 and forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee for review and forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.


Submittal Process/Timeline:

Proposals accepted from: December 2, 2016 through close of business January 2, 2017. Submittals received after January 2, 2017 will not be considered.

CBJ Code requires that the draft allocations be made available for public comment for 30 days beginning January 15th. This memo is regrettably late. We will accept public comment for a week beyond the required time, closing public comment on close of business March 15, 2017. Click below for the Draft Recommendation List now open for public comment from: February 13, 2017 through close of business March 15, 2017.

Final Recommendation List will be posted on the CBJ website in March 2017 and forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee for review and forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.


(Links will be active once memos are posted)


Submittal Process/Timeline:

Proposals accepted from: December 1, 2014 through close of business December 31, 2014. Submittals received after December 31, 2014 will not be considered.

Draft Recommendation List will be posted and open for public comment from: January 15, 2015 through close of business February 16, 2015.

Final Recommendation List will be posted on the CBJ website in March 2015 and forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee for review and forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.



Submittal Process/Timeline:

Proposals will be accepted from the public: December 1, 2013 through close of business December 31, 2013. Submittals received after December 31, 2013, will not be considered.

Draft Recommendation List will be posted and open for public comment from: January 15, 2014 through close of business February 15, 2014.

Final Recommendation List will be posted on the CBJ website March 2014 and forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee for review and forwarded to the Assembly for consideration during the upcoming budget cycle.



Submittal Process/Timeline:

Proposals will be accepted from the public beginning December 1, 2012 through the close of business December 31, 2012. Submittals received after December 31, 2012, will not considered.

The Draft Recommendation List will be posted and open for public comment from: February 1, 2013 through close of business February 28, 2013.

The Final Recommendation List will be forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee by the City Manager on March 1, 2013.



Submittal Process/Timeline:

The timeline for proposals to be received from the public closed as of the close of business December 31, 2011. Submittals received after that date were not considered.

The Draft Recommendation list was posted and open for public comment from January 25 through February 27, 2012. The final recommendations forwarded to the Assembly Finance Committee by the City Manager are posted below.



Submittal Process/Timeline:

All submittals must be received for the City Manager to review by close of business December 31, 2011. Submittals received after that date will not be considered.

The Draft Recommendation list will be available on this site January 17, 2012, beginning the comment period that is open until close of business February 17, 2012. The final recommendation list will be posted here on March 1, 2012.


Public Comment period open 1/15/11 through 2/15/2011


Submittal Process/Timeline:

To submit a project request for Passenger Fee Proceeds, please send a written request to the City Manager’s Office. Requests will be accepted via mail, hand delivery, or facsimile. The mailing and physical address is 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801. The fax number is 907-586-5385.

All submittals must be received for the City Manager to review by close of business December 31, 2011. Submittals received after that date will not be considered.

The Draft Recommendation list will be available on this site January 17, 2012, beginning the comment period that is open until close of business February 17, 2012. The final recommendation list will be posted here on March 1, 2012.



Submittal Process/Timeline:

To submit a project request for Passenger Fee Proceeds, please send a written request to the City Manager’s Office. Requests will be accepted via mail, hand delivery, or facsimile. The mailing and physical address is 155 S. Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801. The fax number is 907-586-5385.

Proposals will not be accepted by email.

All submittals must be received for the City Manager to review by close of business December 31, 2008. Submittals received after that date will not be considered.

The Draft Recommendation list will be available on this site January 15, 2009, beginning the comment period that is open until close of business February 15, 2009. The final recommendation list will be posted here on March 1, 2009.

