Streets & Fleet Maintenance
Lane miles of maintenance
Full time and seasonal staff
Vehicles and equipment
Miles of sidewalk maintenance
What We Do
Caring for this community is the CBJ Public Works Streets Division’s first goal and commitment. The Street Maintenance Division provides equipment and staffing for year-round preservation and maintenance of CBJ streets. Operations include pavement surface maintenance, pedestrian facility maintenance, street sweeping, maintenance of storm drain facilities and snow plowing and removal during the winter months. A staff of 32 full-time and seasonal employees provide continual service to keep the streets and sidewalks safe for public travel. The Streets crew’s mission is to provide the best possible service to the Capital City of Alaska. Click the link on this page to view CBJ Winter Road Maintenance Priority Map.
Service Maintenance Areas
The Streets Maintenance Division maintains over 250 lane miles of CBJ roads and approximately 32 miles of sidewalks. Check out the CBJ Winter Road Maintenance Priority Map.
The Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) maintains Egan Drive, Douglas Hwy, N. Douglas Hwy, Thane, Front and Back Mendenhall Loop and other arterial roads throughout our city. You can find ADOT’s winter priority map at https://dot.alaska.gov/stwdmno/wintermap/ and contact the ADOT street maintenance division at 907-465-1787
Keeping the Fleet Moving
Public Works Fleet Maintenance provides preventive maintenance and repair of public works light duty, heavy duty pickups and heavy-duty equipment, off-road equipment, standby generators, and automated fuel dispensing system at two locations. Our Fleet staff of 5 full-time employees provide service to over 260 vehicles and equipment for the CBJ Public Works, Parks and Rec, Docks and Harbors and Community Development Departments. The Public Works and Engineering Department currently has 4- Electric Vehicles (EV) and plans on expanding to more in the future. Our Fleet Maintenance Division are dedicated employees, working hard to protect the public’s investment and provide safe and dependable vehicles and equipment.
Protecting the Public’s Investment
Fleet Maintenance Division responsibilities have grown with the steady increase of infrastructure, new equipment, and the need to maintain these assets. The complexity of new equipment has evolved with the new technologies, including the introduction of EV. Computers and emission components are now in virtually every major equipment system. Studies and practical experience have shown that both government and private fleets, where regular inspections are performed and maintenance practices are followed, have resulted in equipment that lasts longer, is safer and is more productive. This benefits those entities by reducing their costs and boosting overall productivity and performance.