
Off-Street Parking is now Pay-By-Phone or Pay Station

Download the App

Download the FREE Park Smarter app from Google Play or iOS App Store and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

Find Parking

Off-Street Parking Lots:

Shopper’s Lot
North Franklin Lot
Whittier Lot
MPG Hourly Spaces 5-25

Enter Your Time

Add the time you wish to park and confirm your selection.

Extend Parking

Receive notifications and extend your parking session up to the maximum allotted time.

Parking News

Permit Availability

  • Marine Parking Garage: Unavailable
  • Downtown Transit Center: Unavailable

Contact Parks & Recreation to be added to the wait list.

Whittier Lot Now Open

The Whittier Parking Lot, located near the intersection of Whittier Street and 3rd Avenue next to the Zach Gordon Youth Center, is now open to the public for hourly paid parking. At this time, payment is only available through the ParkSmarter app. A pay station will be installed in spring 2025. Please note that spots next to the Zach Gordon Youth Center building, marked by signs, are reserved for ZGYC use.

2024 Parking Improvements

A new system to manage parking permits and enforce parking rules is coming in Spring 2024. The new system will be used at all off-street parking facilities in downtown Juneau, including the Marine Parking Garage (MPG) and Downtown Transit Center (DTC) Garage.

The new system uses license plates as virtual permits, allowing customers to purchase monthly/annual parking permits and pay citations online using a credit or debit card. At hourly lots, new pay stations that accept credit cards and coins will replace existing mechanical cash boxes. Customers will also be able to pay for hourly parking directly from their mobile phone. Permits will continue to be available for purchase in person and live customer support will be available 24 hours a day.

Additional information about how to use the new system will be provided soon. Please visit the Parking Improvements project page for the latest updates.

Parking Fee Increase

The costs of monthly and annual parking permits increased on July 1, 2022 and incremental increases will continue the following three years. For more information, read the Parking Fee Changes FAQs here.

Parking Information

*NEW* Off-Street Parking is now Pay-By-Phone or Pay Station

  • You must pay to park Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)
  • Cost is 75¢ per hour, minimum of two hours
  • Parking Brochure

How to Pay-By-Phone

  1. Download
    Download the free Park Smarter app from Google Play or iOS App Store and follow instructions to complete your registration.
  2. Find Parking
    • Shopper’s Lot (corner of Main St. and Egan Dr.)
    • North Franklin Lot (corner of North Franklin St. and Second St.)
    • MPG Hourly Spaces (Marine Parking Garage, 290 Marine Way, spaces 5-25 only)
    • *Whittier Lot (near Whittier Street and 3rd Ave. next to Zach Gordon Youth Center)
  3. Enter your Parking Time
    Add the time you wish to park and confirm your selection.
  4. Extend your Parking
    Receive notifications and extend your parking session up to the maximum allotted time.

How to Pay by Pay Station

  1. Enter your plate number to register your vehicle at the pay stations located at:
    1. Shoppers Lot
    2. North Franklin Lot
    3. MPG Hourly Lot
  2. Pay with credit card or coins
    1. Use exact change; coins will not be returned.

*There is no pay station at Whittier Lot, payment is currently only available through the ParkSmarter app. The free app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices.

Parking Permits

  • Permit parking is only available at the Downtown Transit Center parking garage (DTC, 100 Main St.), the Marine Parking Garage (MPG, 290 Marine Way)
  • Permits are facility-specific: DTC permits are only valid at the Downtown Transit Center parking garage and MPG Permits are only valid at the Marine Parking Garage.
  • Permits are transferrable between vehicles.
  • Permits may be purchased monthly or yearly increments.
  • Cost for a parking permit is: $85 per month; $935 per year plus tax.
  • You may purchase a permit, if available, online or in the Parks & Recreation office, located in Room 218 of City Hall, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Parking Permit Portal

Current availability

  • Marine Parking Garage: Unavailable
  • Downtown Transit Center: Unavailable

Contact Parks & Recreation to be added to the wait list.

We will continue to renew existing parking permits in both facilities, although current permit holders must renew their parking permits within five business days of the date of expiration. If a permit is not renewed within five business days and that parking facility is at capacity, the permit holder loses the option to renew that permit. Any citations received for parking with an expired permit will not be dismissed.


Dowtown Transportation Center

Downtown Transit Center Parking Garage

100 Main Street

  • $85 + tax for a monthly permit
  • $935 + tax for a year permit
  • DTC permits are only valid for parking in the Downtown Transit Center parking garage.

Marine Parking Garage viewed from the water

Marine Parking Garage

290 Marine Way, below the Downtown Public Library

  • $85 + tax for a monthly permit
  • $935 + tax for a year permit
  • MPG permits are valid for parking in the Marine Parking Garage
  • Not valid for hourly parking spaces (spaces 5-23), Library Parking spaces (spaces A-V), and other spaces prohibited by sign or device.

On-Street Parking

  • On-street parking is limited to a maximum of two consecutive hours per day within the Downtown Parking Management Zone during the enforcement hours of Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise restricted by a sign or device.
  • Payment or registration is not required.
  • Please note that on-street parking is limited to two consecutive hours per day within the Downtown Parking Management Zone. If you’ve already parked on-street once during a day, you will need to park in an hourly parking area if you come downtown again.


ADA Parking

  • ON-STREET: There is no fee or registration for parking in an on-street ADA space, although time is limited to four hours. There is no fee or time limit for parking in a general on-street parking space, unless time is restricted by signage (for example, parking in a 15-minute loading zone.) You must have your ADA placard properly displayed or have an ADA license plate on your vehicle.
  • OFF-STREET HOURLY LOTS & PARKING GARAGES: Anyone parking in an off-street facility must pay to park (either by buying a permit or paying for an hourly space). Handicap parking permits do not provide free parking in facilities where payment is required, including DTC, MPG, Shoppers Lot, and North Franklin Lot. Payment is required regardless of whether the customer has a handicap permit.

Electric Vehicle Charging

  • Electric vehicle charging stations are available at the Marine Parking Garage (MPG) and the Downtown Transit Center Parking Garage (DTC). The EV spaces are only available for electric vehicles that are actively charging, and parking is limited to two consecutive hours of use per day.
    • The Level 3 charger at DTC is free for anyone to use Monday – Friday between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., and on weekends/holidays. A DTC permit is required Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Permits are required because the license plate recognition system cannot apply unique rules to individual spaces within the facility.
    • The Level 2 chargers at MPG are free for anyone to use Monday – Friday between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., and on weekends/holidays. All vehicles must pay to park in the EV spaces Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. including MPG/DTC permitholders.
  • The charging stations are active between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily.

Citation Information

  • Citations can be paid online
    • Enter your citation number, License Plate Number, or Vin Number to find your citation
  • Citations can also be paid in person at City Hall at 155 Heritage way.

If you want to appeal a citation issued by the City and Borough of Juneau, you must fill out the Citation Appeal Request Form and submit it to the Citation Hearing Officer within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the citation.

Visit to appeal your citation.

Parking fees for the Downtown Transit Center and Marine Parking Garage have been restructured. The costs of monthly and annual parking permits increased on July 1, 2022 and incremental increases will continue the following three years. Parks & Recreation Director George Schaaf presented at the Public Works & Facilities Committee on April 11, 2022. Read his memo and see his presentation on the Parking Management Fund Balance here.

Parking Fee Changes FAQs

The fees to park at the two garages have not increased for more than a decade, though the cost of operating the facilities continues to rise. Between fiscal years 2015 and 2022, increases in utilities, insurance, maintenance, and contractual services drove a 33% increase in operating costs. Revenue has remained relatively flat since 2015, except for a decline in FY20 due to the pandemic.

The cost for hourly parking at the Marine Parking Garage, Shoppers Lot, and North Franklin Lot is remaining the same at $.75 per hour.

Parking FAQs