Solid Waste Planning
Juneau Waste History

SOLID Waste Planning

We Need To Talk About Our Trash

If you live in Juneau, you’ve seen the landfill. Built in the 1960’s, the Capitol Disposal Landfill (formally the Channel Landfill) has been a growing presence in Juneau ever since. It’s difficult to know when the landfill will close, but the best estimate is in 10-15 years.

What will the community do with its trash after the landfill closes?

Juneau Solid Waste 101


Solid Waste Planning & Action Statuses

Waste Characterization Study: Cascadia Consulting performed the waste characterization study in May 2024. The final report can be viewed here.

Municipal Composting Facility Procurement: The Public Works and Facilities Committee (PWFC) made a decision at their July 15, 2024 meeting to do a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to acquire an operator for the future composting facility.

Municipal Composting Facility: CBJ is in the process of working with the US EPA to receive the funding for the municipal composting facility.

Solid Waste Disposal Options Study: Jacobs Engineering Group has been awarded the contract for this study. The anticipated completion date is February 2025.