Marine Passenger Fee Budget Request Form

Welcome to the new cruise ship passenger fee submission process!

Thank you for submitting your request for the CBJ Marine Passenger Fee (MPF) budget. This new format is designed to help residents better understand the Marine Passenger Fee process and help CBJ more easily track and consolidate requests. Per CBJ code §69.20.120, CBJ takes MPF requests December 1 – December 31 annually. Requests are then reviewed, and a draft budget is presented to the Assembly. The public has the opportunity to comment on the draft budget after January 15.

CBJ receives three different fees and taxes from cruise ship passengers, the MPF, the Port Development Fee, and the State Commercial Passenger Vessel Excise Tax. While this public process only concerns the MPF, the funds from all three fees are combined into one budget when reviewed by the Assembly. These funds are restricted in their use and are governed by the U.S. Constitution. In 2019, CBJ and the cruise lines settled a lawsuit over CBJ’s use of MPF. The resulting settlement agreement also governs how these fees are allocated. Funds are to be used in a mapped area, and for purposes that serve both cruise ships and their passengers. Please review the Settlement Agreement in the fields below and verify that you have read the document.