Submit your Lead Service Line Inventory Today!

Extended Deadline: Submit by August 2, 2024!

The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is performing a Lead Service Line Survey for all buildings served by the CBJ water utility. The United States Environmental Project Agency’s (USEPA) Safe Drinking Water Act requires that public water systems – like the CBJ water utility – perform these surveys to identify where lead service lines exist in water systems. The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) has contracted Geosyntec Consultants to perform the survey. Each property owner in the CBJ is responsible for completing the survey for each parcel of property owned.

If you have questions or concerns, contact us at 907-586-0393 (option 0) or at [email protected]

Submit your Lead Service Line Inventory Survey Today!

Utilities Division

Current Utility Rates
Water Reports (CCRs)

Wastewater Bond Information

Proposition 3 included in the 2024 municipal ballot proposes General Obligation bond funding to reconstruct the clarifier building at the Juneau Douglas Wastewater Treatment Plant. Learn more about the clarifier building and the ballot proposition below.

Proposition 3 FAQ
CDC Wastewater Monitoring Dashboard

National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWWS)

The CBJ Utility is an active participant in the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) NWWS, which is designed to monitor the status of pathogens of concern within US communities, including Covid, Influenza, MPox and RSV.