Planning Commission

Link to Short Term Project Information


The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Assembly Chambers at City Hall. You can find the schedule and the minutes and agendas in the section below.

To Attend Virtually

Click the “Meetings and Agendas” button or go to to access current meeting. Open the PDF Agenda for the date of the meeting and select the Zoom link from the first paragraph of the Agenda.  you may also use the Webinar ID to join.   See Zoom Joining and Participating in Zoom Webinars for more information on Zoom attendance.

Minutes & Agendas

For August 22, 2022 and newer meeting materials click the “Meetings and Agendas” button or go to to access current minutes and agendas.

View Planning Commission
Meetings and Agendas

Minutes and Agendas

What We Do

The Planning Commission reviews and updates the Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Program, as well as city and state projects. The Commission also reviews private and public development plans for compliance with adopted codes and plans. The Commission also functions as the Board of Adjustment in reviewing variances and code interpretations.

Planning Commission Contact Information

The public is invited and encouraged to participate in all matters brought before the Planning Commission. Timely written material (submitted no later than noon, the Friday before the hearing) should be sent to the email, above, for distribution to the Commissioners.

Related Information

Planning Commissioners

Mandy Cole, Chair

Erik Pedersen, Vice Chair

Travis Arndt, Clerk

Mathew Bell, Deputy Clerk

David Epstein

Nina Keller

Adam Brown

Lacey Derr

Jessalynn Rintala

Paul Kelly, Assembly Liaison

Planning Commission Contact Information

The public is invited and encouraged to participate in all matters brought before the Planning Commission. Timely written material (submitted no later than noon, the Friday before the hearing) should be sent to the email, above, for distribution to the Commissioners.

Subcommittees of the Planning Commission

Title 49 Committee
Review of updates and changes to Title 49, the Land Use Code

Subdivision Review Committee
Review of Major Subdivisions for conformance prior to public hearing

Auke Bay Ad Hoc Committee
Updates in zoning and land use in the Auke Bay area based on the direction of the Auke Bay Area Plan

Governance Committee
Updates to rules of the Planning Commission

Document Archives

Minutes & Agendas (2011-2014)

Staff Reports (2011-2014)

Notices of Public Hearings (2011-2014)

Notices of Decision (2011-2014)

For older records, please contact CDD directly

Explanation of Appeal Process

Hearing Procedures Relating to Appeals (CBJ 49.20.110)

Notice of Appeals

CBJ Code for Hearing Procedures Related to Appeals CBJ 49.20.110

Notice of Protests

CBJ Code for Hearing Procedures Related to Protests CBJ 49.75.130