On April 15, 2016, a lawsuit was filed in the

United States District Court for the District of Alaska, entitled:

Cruise Lines International Association Alaska, and
Cruise Lines International Association, Plaintiff(s),


The City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska; Bob Bartholomew, Finance Director;
Ken Koelsch, Mayor; and Duncan Rorie Watt, City Manager, Defendants.

Displaying 1 - 200 of 833

Document DatePleading Civil Action No. 1:16-cv-00008-HRH
04-13-20161 COMPLAINT - CLIAA v CBJ et al., - courtesy copy
04-13-20162 Civil Cover Sheet
04-13-20163 MOTION - for Leave to Appear as Pro Hac Vice (Non-Resident ) Attorney C. Jonathan Benner
04-13-20164 DECLARATION - of non-eligible attorney C. Jonathan Benner
04-13-20165 MOTION - for Leave to Appear as Pro Hac Vice (Non-Resident) Attorney Kathleen E. Kraft
04-13-20166 DECLARATION - of non-eligible attorney Kathleen E. Kraft
04-13-20167 SUMMONS - Unissued summons re Defendant City and Borough of Juneau
04-14-20168 RECEIPT - Receipt of $300.00 non-resident attorney payment for K. Kraft and C. Benner as to Plaintiff Cruise Lines International Association Alaska
04-14-20169-10 NOTICE - of Clerks approval of pro Hac Vice attorneys (from PACER)
04-15-2016COMPLAINT - CLIAA v CBJ et al., with summons for CBJ
04-15-2016COMPLAINT - CLIAA v CBJ et al., with summons for Koelsch
04-15-2016COMPLAINT - CLIAA v CBJ et al. with summons for Kiefer
04-15-2016COMPLAINT - CLIAA v CBJ et al. with summons for Bartholomew
04-22-201611 ORDER - on MTN to Dismiss
04-22-201612 Duplicate entry by clerks (from PACER)
04-22-201613 NOTICE - of filing proof of service
04-25-201614 STIP - Allowing Plantiff to File First Amended Complaint
04-25-201614-1 (Proposed) Order Granting Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Answer
04-26-201615 ORDER - Order from Chambers granting Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Answer
05-18-201616 STIP - Allowing Plantiff to File First Amended Complaint
05-18-201616-1 STIP EXHIBIT - Exhibit A -First Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
06-01-201617 ORDER - Granting Stipulation Allowing Plaintiff to File First Amended Complaint
06-08-201618 CBJ Motion to Dismiss
06-08-201619 CBJ Notice of Certificate of Conferral
06-12-201620 CLIAA - Plaintiffs' Corporate Disclosure Statement
06-17-201621 CLIAA - Joint Motion and Proposed Order Requesting Stay of Discovery and Rule 26 Obligations and Stipulations Extending Time Limits for Briefing on Defendants' Motion to Dismiss
06-20-201622 ORDER - Granting Stay and Extending Time Limits on Briefing
07-08-201623 CLIAA Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Complaint
07-08-201623-1 CLIAA Exhibit 1 to Plaintiffs' Opposition
07-08-201623-2 CLIAA Exhibit 2 to Plaintiffs' Opposition
07-08-201623-3 CLIAA Exhibit 3 to Plaintiffs' Opposition
07-08-201623-4 CLIAA Exhibit 4 to Plaintiffs' Opposition
07-08-201624 CLIAA Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judical Notice in Connection with Plntffs' Opp to Defs' Motion to Dismiss Complaint
07-08-201624-1 CLIAA Exhibit 1 to Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judicial Notice
07-08-201624-2 CLIAA Exhibit 2 to Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judicial Notice
07-08-201624-3 CLIAA Exhibit 3 to Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judicial Notice
07-08-201624-4 CLIAA Exhibit 4 to Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judicial Notice
07-08-201624-5 CLIAA - Proposed - Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion to Take Judicial Notice
08-01-201625 CBJ - CBJ and Rorie Watt's Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss
08-01-201626 CBJ - CBJ and Rorie Watt's Request for Oral Argument
08-10-201627 ORDER - from Chambers re: Amended Complaint
08-10-201628 CLIAA First Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
08-22-201629 ORDER - from Chambers re: Granting Oral Argument
08-29-201630 CLIAA and CBJ Joint Response to Court's August 22 2016 Order
09-07-201631 ORDER - Setting Oral Argument
09-28-201632 Minute Entry for Oral Agruments on Motion to Dismiss
09-29-201633 CLIAA Transcript Order Request
09-29-201634 ORDER- Granting Motion to Take Judicial Notice, Denying Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction
10-03-201636 CBJ Transcript Order Request
10-14-201637 CLERK Minute Order from Chambers
10-14-201638 CBJ Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Answer
10-14-201638-1 CBJ (Proposed) Order Granting Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Answer
10-17-201639 ORDER Stipulation for Extension of Time to File Answer
10-28-201640 CBJ Answer to First Amended Complaint
10-28-201641 Demand for Jury Trial
11-17-201642 ORDER - Initial Case Status Report Case Scheduling and Planning
12-08-201643 Scheduling & Planning Conference Report
12-08-201644 Joint Motion for Entry of Stipulation & Protective Order Governing the Production & Exchange of Confidential Information
12-21-201644-1 Exhibit 1
01-20-201747 - Joint Stipulation to Modify Scheduling and Planning Order
01-25-201748 - Amended Scheduling and Planning Order
03-15-201749 - Joint Motion for Thirty Day Stay of All Pretrial Deadlines
03-16-201750 - ORDER - From Chambers
04-14-201751 - ORDER - from Chambers re: Status Report
04-21-201752 - Joint Status Report
04-21-201753 - Joint Motion for Extension of Stay of Pretrial Deadlines
04-24-201754 - ORDER - from Chambers re: extension of stay
05-21-201755 - Joint Status Report
05-22-201756 - Order from Chambers
06-13-201757 - Joint Status Report & Joint Proposal Regarding Scheduling & Planning Order Dates
06-15-201758 - Second Amended Scheduling & Planning Order
06-21-201759 - Unopposed Motion to Change Second Amended Scheduling and Planning Order (Docket 58)
06-21-201759-1 (Proposed) Order Granting Unopposed Motion to Change Second Amended Scheduling and Planning Order (Docket 58)
06-23-201760 Amended Second Amended Scheduling and Planning Order 06-26-17
08-25-201761 Stipulation to Extend Date for Preliminary Witness Lists from Pretrial Order - Order 58 - 08-25-17
08-25-201761-1 (Proposed) Order Granting Stipulation to Extend Date for Preliminary Witness Lists for Pretrial Order - Docket 58 - 08-28-17
08-28-201762 Order from Chambers granting Stipulation to Extend Date for Preliminary Witness List - 08-28-17
09-25-201763 Stipulation to Extend Pretrial Dates from Pretrial Order [Docket 60]
09-25-201763-1 (Proposed) Order Granting Stipulation to Extend Pretrial Dates from Pretrial Order [Docket 60]
09-26-201764 Order Granting Stipulation to Extend Pretrial Dates
10-20-201765 Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to file Overlength Brief
10-20-201765-1 Motion for Summary Judgment
10-20-201765-2 Plaintiffs' Statement of Facts in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment
10-20-201765-3 (Proposed) Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to File Overlength Brief
10-23-201766 Order from Chambers