Welcome to Human Resources & Risk Management

Human Resources & Risk Management Director
Dallas Hargrave
Phone: 907-586-5250
Fax: 907-586-5392
[email protected]
Risk Management Officer
Chelsea Swick
Phone: 907-586-5250
[email protected]
Our Mission
To provide services and programs that attract, develop and retain a diverse and competent workforce that reflects and protects the high standards of the public we serve through:
- Staffing & Recruitment
- Employee & Labor Relations
- Organization Development
- Safety & Risk Management
- Supervisory/Management Training
- Employee Development & Performance Management
- Position Classification & Pay Systems
- Employee Health & Wellness Programs
- Records Administration
- H.R. Technology & Process Improvement
Our Vision
The CBJ Human Resources & Risk Management Department partners with our customers to provide innovative programs, consultation and direct service delivery.