Economic Stabilization Task Force
The Economic Stabilization Task Force was established on April 6, 2020, by Mayor Beth Weldon. The goal of this Task Force is to answer the questions outlined in this charging document. The committee had its introductory meeting on April 9, 2020. The Task Force is scheduled to report to its findings to the Assembly weekly and its term of service was set to expire six months from inception, which was October 2020. On September 21, 2020, the Assembly voted to extend the commission of the Task Force until the end of December 2020.
The Economic Stabilization Task Force has concluded its work for calendar year 2020. The Task Force will present a report summarizing its achievements to the full Assembly in January, 2021. The final report will be available on this site once completed.
Past Meeting Agendas and Minutes
To see the full CBJ Meeting calendar, including these task force meetings, please click here. Please check the CBJ calendar or call the Clerk’s Office at (907) 586-5278 for the most up-to-date information.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
Thursday, December 03, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Emergency Resolution 2926
- ArtWorks Press Release
An emergency appropriation of up to $85,738 as a grant to Perseverance Theatre to offset economic hardship experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thirty-five projects employing at least 131 artists and creative workers in Juneau are under way thanks to funding through the Juneau CARES funds.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Draft Ordinance 2020-09(U)(b)
An appropriation of up to $2.3 million for a COVID-19 Extreme Hardship Business Grant Program.
Monday, November 09, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:30 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Children's Mental and Behavioral Health Update
- CARES Act Funding Pie Chart Update
- Draft Assembly Finance Committee Agenda for November 10, 2020
- Draft Ordinance 2020-09(U)
- Draft Ordinance 2020-09(W)
- Draft Ordinance 2020-09(Y)
- Public Comment Summary
An appropriation of up to $2.3 million for a COVID-19 Extreme Hardship Business Grant Program.
An appropriation of $300 thousand as a grant to Family Promise to purchase a building to support vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An appropriation up to $2 million for a COVID-19 Emergency Individual Assistant Program.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- CARES Act Funds Pie Chart
- Draft Ordinance 2020-09(U)
- Formula Recommendation for the Extreme Hardship Business Grant
- Nonprofit Overview
- Juneau Community Foundation Overview of Nonprofit Funding Requests
- Family Promise Day Shelter Facility Request
- St. Vincent de Paul Retention of Housing Units Request
Overview of expenditure of funds from CBJ Finance Director.
An ordinance appropriating up to $2.3 million for a COVID-19 Extreme Hardship Business Grant program.
A note from Co-Chair Thomas on the status of nonprofit funding requests
- Shepherd of the Valley Church Safe Space for Schooling Request
- The Glory Hall Health Insurance Request
- Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority Homeless Youth Shelter Request
- Letter of Support: Juneau Coalition on Housing & Homelessness
- Memo from CBJ Finance Director re CARES Eligibility for Family Promise Day Shelter
- Informational Item: MEP's Manufacturing E-Commerce Marketing Program
Thursday, October 08, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Juneau Lifeline: Funding for Businesses Substantially Harmed by Shutdown
- Homeless Youth Shelter: Funding Request by Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority
- Family Promise: Funding Request to Serve Homeless Families
- 2020 Southeast Conference Data: Juneau Businesses COVID-19 Impacts
- Business Stabililzation Grant Report
- CARES Act Funding Chart & Table
- Youth Activities Funding Request
Monday, September 28, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
12:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Income Limits as Related to Ordinances Under Consideration
- Draft Emergency Appropriation Resoluation 2912 v3 Housing Assistance Grant
- Draft Resolution 2910 v4 COVID-19 Testing Platform Grant
- Draft Ordinance 2019-09(O) v4 Post-Secondary Education Grant
- Hospitality Industry Assistance Grant Request from CHARR
- Nonprofit Grant Report and Business Grants that Crossover
- Nonprofit Grant Report with Enhanced Grant Amounts
- Assembly Public Hearing: Draft Ordinance 2020-09(L)
- Assembly Public Hearing: Draft Emergency Appropriation Resolution 2907
- Assembly Public Hearing: Emergency Appropriation Resolution 2910(b)
- Assembly Public Hearing: Draft Emergency Appropriating Resolution 2912(b)
An Ordinance Appropriating $383,775 to the Manager as a Grant to Travel Juneau for the Juneau Cares Campaign; Funding Provided by CARES Act Special Revenue Fund.
Public Hearing at the October 1, 2020 Special Assembly Meeting. Passed.
An Emergency Appropriation Resolution Appropriating $2 Million to the Manager as Additional Funding for Phase 2 and 3 of a COVID-19 Business Sustainability Grant Program; Funding Provided by the CARES Act Special Revenue Fund. Public Hearing at the October 1, 2020 Special Assembly Meeting. Passed
An Emergency Appropriation Resolution Appropriating up to $175 Thousand to the Manager for a Grant to the Greater Juneau Chamber of Commerce to Lease and Implement a COVID-19 Detection Platform; Funding Provided by the CARES Act Special Revenue Fund. Public Hearing at the October 1, 2020 Special Assembly Meeting. Passed
An Emergency Appropriation Resolution Appropriating up to $3 Million to the Manager for a COVID-19 Housing Assistance Grant Program; Funding Provided by the CARES Act Special Revenue Fund. Passed w Amendments
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Message from the Chairs
- CARES Act Funding Pie Chart & Table
- Emergency Resolution 2907: Additional Funding for Business Grants
- COVID-19 Testing Pilot Grant
- Hospitality Industry Assistance Grant Request from CHARR
- United Human Services Multi-Tenant Nonprofit Center Funding Request
- Post-Secondary Education Grant
Exploration of Opportunities for Remaining CARES Funding
An Emergency Appropriation Resolution Appropriating $2 Million as Additional Funding for Phases 2 and 3 of a COVID-19 Business Sustainability Grant Program
Includes Letters of Support from:
- Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
- Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
- Juneau Community Foundation
- Office of Cathy Munoz
- Mortgage and Rental Assistance Grant
- Heating Fuel and Electricity Assistance
- Assembly Public Hearing: Emergency Appropriation Resolution 2907
- Assembly Public Hearing: Draft Ordinance 2020-43
- Assembly Introduction: Draft Ordinance 2020-09(L)
- Assembly Introduction: Draft Ordinance 2020-09(L)
- Assembly Public Hearing: Emergency Appropriation Resolution 2906
An appropriation of $2 million as additional funding for Phases 2 and 3 of the CBJ Business Sustainability Grant Program. Public hearing at the September 21, 2020 Regular Assembly meeting. Sent to Assembly Finance Committee on September 30, 2020
An appropriation of $300 thousand for a COVID-19 Juneau ArtWorks Grant Program. Public hearing at the September 21, 2020 Regular Assembly meeting. Passed
An appropriation for $383,775 as a Grant to Travel Juneau for the Juneau Cares Campaign. Assembly introduction at the September 21, 2020 Regular Assembly meeting. Sent to Public Hearing at Special Assembly meeting on September 30, 2020.
An appropriation of $600 thousand for the Juneau School District for K-5 RALLY Programming. Public hearing at the September 21, 2020 Regular Assembly meeting. Passed
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Ketchikan Borough COVID-19 Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program
- Travel Juneau Request to ESTF
- Juneau Cares Campaign Proposal
- Juneau Cares Campaign Budget
- Letter of Support from Midgi Moore for Juneau Cares Campaign
- COVID-19 Childcare Coordinator Job Advertisement
- Assembly COW Presentation: Caring for K-5 Students During COVID-19
- No Presentations
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Economic Stabilization Task Force
Zoom Webinar - See Agenda for Link
03:00 PM
- Assembly Introduction: Draft Ordinance 2020-43
- Assembly Public Hearing: Emergency Ordinance 2020-44
An appropriation up to $500 thousand for a COVID-19 Juneau ArtWorks Grant Program. Assembly introduction at the August 24 , 2020 Regular Assembly Meeting.
The Assembly adopted Ordinance 2020-36 on August 3, 2020, which created the COVID-19 Nonprofit Sustainability Grant Program. After August 3, the grant administrator identified an eligibility condition in Ordinance 2020-36 that would significantly limit the nonprofits that could benefit from this program if the nonprofit received federal or state CARES Act money. This emergency ordinance expands the eligibility condition, which is similar to what the Assembly did in the Business Sustainability Grant Program Phase 2, Section (f) of Ordinance 2019-06(AG)(d). Public hearing and adoption at the August 24, 2020 Regular Assembly Meeting.
Economic Stabilization Task Force Members
Max Mertz, Co-Chair
Linda Thomas, Co-Chair
Susan Bell
Theresa Belton
Bruce Botelho
Eric Forst
Ken Koelsch
Lauren MacVay
Laura Martinson
Terra Peters
If you wish to send comments to the task force, please email [email protected].
CBJ Staff to the Task Force
Brenwynne Grigg, Community Development Administrative Officer
Jensina Sundberg, CBJ Finance Administrative Assistant