Adopted Legislation

The Assembly of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, adopted the legislation listed below on the dates specified. Resolutions and appropriating ordinances are effective immediately; other ordinances become effective 30 days after adoption or at any later date specified in the ordinance. The titles listed in this notice may not reflect amendments made at adoption. Copies of the unsigned ordinances as they were during the Assembly meeting at which it was adopted are online at  Notices of Adoption are linked below.

List of Documents

Notice of Adoption
NOTICE OF ADOPTION - February 4, 2025
Ordinance 2025-08 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute an Agreement with Alaska Electric Light & Power Company and AJT Mining Properties, Inc. for the Purpose of an Access Easement for the Christopher Trail.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(I) - An Ordinance Appropriating $8,900,000 to the Manager for the Bartlett Regional Hospital Emergency Department Addition Capital Improvement Project; Funding Provided by Hospital Funds.
Amending Ordinance
Ordinance 2025-12 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Serial No. 2024-42 Regarding the Proposed Refinancings by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank of Various Revenue Bonds of the City and Borough Authorized Thereunder.
Appropriating Legislation
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(AA) - An Ordinance Appropriating up to $100,000 to the Manager for a Loan to BroKo Holdings, LLC for 220 Front Street; Funding Provided by the Affordable Housing Fund.
Resolution 3086 - A Resolution to Dissolve the Americans with Disabilities Act Committee and Repealing Resolutions No. 1585, 1769, 1928, 2204, 2359, and 2429.
Resolution 3084 - A Resolution Expressing Support for the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program, FFY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG).
Resolution 3085 - A Resolution to Dissolve the Sister Cities Committee and Repealing Resolutions No. 1986, 2420(c), and 2508.
Notice of Adoption
Notice of Adoption - January 6, 2025
Ordinance 2024-49 - An Ordinance Amending the Comprehensive Plan by Adopting the Blueprint Downtown Area Plan.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(W) - An Ordinance Appropriating up to $3,000,000 to the Manager for a Loan to Tower Legacy II, LLC for Creekside Apartments; Funding Provided by the Affordable Housing Fund.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(Y) - An Ordinance Transferring $288,836 from CIP F22-027 Juneau Police Department Roof Replacement to CIP P44-091 Deferred Building Maintenance.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(Z) - An Ordinance Appropriating $1,000,000 to the United States Army Corps of Engineers Glacier Flood Study Capital Improvement Project; Funding Provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Tongass National Forest.
Resolution 3082 - A Resolution Adopting an Alternative Allocation Method for the FY2025 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Program and Certifying that this Allocation Method Fairly Represents the Distribution of Significant Effects of Fisheries Business Activity within the Northern Southeast Fisheries Management Area.
Resolution 3083 - A Resolution Ratifying the Labor Agreement between the City and Borough and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union AFL-CIO, Healthcare Unit 2201.
Ordinance 2024-43 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough to Change the Zoning of Approximately 63 Acres of USS 4605 FR, and 2.27 Acres of USS 3172 LT 38, Located on North Douglas Highway, from RR to D3.
Ordinance 2024-44 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough to Change the Zoning of 28 Acres of USS 3820 LT3 B1 and USS2391 LT 1, Accessed via Glacier Highway in the Auke Bay Area.
Ordinance 2024-45 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough by Rezoning Approximately 33 Acres of Parcel No. 8B3401000100, USS 3807, Located at 15700 Auke Rec Bypass Road, North of 15700 Glacier Highway.
Ordinance 2024-46 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough to Change the Zoning of Pederson Hill II Lt 2A, Parcel 4B2201010102, Approximately 6 Acres, Located at the End of Karl Reishus Boulevard.
Ordinance 2024-47 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough by Rezoning 39 Acres of USS 4605 FR, Located on North Douglas Highway, from D3 to D18.
Resolution 3088(am) A Resolution Opposing Proposal 156, Alaska Board of Fisheries.
Appropriating Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-01(b)(R) - An Ordinance Appropriating $50,000 to the Manager for Maintenance of the Arboretum Manager's Residence; Funding Provided by Jensen-Olson Arboretum Endowment Funds.
Ordinance 2024-37 - An Ordinance Amending the Uniform Sales Tax Code Related to Definitions, a Temporary Sales Tax Registration, and Deposits by Nonresidents.
Ordinance 2024-41 - An Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City and Borough to Change the Zoning of Mendota Park Parcel 1B, Located on Davis Avenue, from D10 to D15.
Ordinance 2024-42 - An Ordinance approving the City and Borough’s participation in proposed refinancings by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank of the Bond Bank’s various General Obligation Bonds that provided funds to purchase various revenue bonds of the City and Borough, under loan agreements between the City and Borough and the Bond Bank; and authorizing revised schedules of principal and interest payments on the City and Borough’s bonds, in accordance with the loan agreements, if the Bond Bank successfully refinances its bonds.