To purchase lands owned by the City and Borough of Juneau that are currently not listed for sale.
Land Sales
CBJ Code directs the Lands and Resources Division to continue the land disposal program, which systematically places CBJ land into private ownership.
Active CBJ Land Sales
Sealed bid foreclosure sale of 520 Sixth Street, Juneau AK 99801
No Active Land Sales
Please note: You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before purchase. If you have questions, please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or email [email protected]
Renninger Lot 4 and Lot 5 Over-the-Counter Land Sale!
Here you will find the land sale brochure and all associated documents. The over-the-counter land sale is open to the public at the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office located on the third floor of the Municipal Way Building, 105 Municipal Way. The qualified applicant to successfully complete the Declaration of Intent and Agreement to Purchase will be able to purchase the lot(s). If there is more than one interested party wanting to purchase the same lot, at the same time, staff will use a pre-determined method to select which applicant receives the first opportunity to purchase the lot(s). The lots are available on a first come basis until sold.
Please note: You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before purchase. If you have questions, please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or email [email protected]
- Assembly Approval: Ordinance 2017-26
- 2019 Renninger Brochure
- 2019 Over-the-Counter Land Sale Declaration of Intent and Agreement to Purchase Form (application)
- 2015 US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Fill Permit
- Purchaser Acknowledgement and Indemnity Agreement Regarding Renninger Subdivision: US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Fill Permit
2019-2020 Over the Counter Sale of Pederson Hill Phase 1A Land Sale
The City and Borough of Juneau is selling the remaining lots at the newly developed Pederson Hill Subdivision Phase 1A via Over the Counter Sale. These Mendenhall Valley lots are accessed via Karl Reishus Boulevard, across Glacier Highway from Sherwood Lane. All lots generally face south and range in size from 4,675 square feet to 14,882 square feet. Each lot is “shovel ready” and benefits from electric, cable, telephone and municipal water and sewer. There are streetlights and sidewalks on both sides of the street, which connect to the Mendenhall River trail system through the new Cheex Trail. Fair market land values have been established by a third party appraisal.
Here you will find the land sale brochure and all associated documents. The over-the-counter land sale is open to the public at the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office located on the third floor of the Municipal Way Building, 105 Municipal Way. The qualified applicant to successfully complete the Declaration of Intent and Agreement to Purchase will be able to purchase the lot(s). If there is more than one interested party wanting to purchase the same lot, at the same time, staff will use a pre-determined method to select which applicant receives the first opportunity to purchase the lot(s). The lots are available on a first come basis until sold.
Please note: You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before purchase. If you have questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or stop by our office.
Welcome to the 2019 South Lena Subdivision Land Sale
Welcome to the South Lena Subdivisioin Over-the-Counter Land Sale!
Here you will find the land sale brochure and all associated documents. The over-the-counter land sale is open to the public at the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office located on the third floor of the Municipal Way Building, 105 Municipal Way. The qualified applicant to successfully complete the Declaration of Intent and Agreement to Purchase will be able to purchase the lot(s). If there is more than one interested party wanting to purchase the same lot, at the same time, staff will use a pre-determined method to select which applicant receives the first opportunity to purchase the lot(s). The lots are available on a first come basis until sold.
Please note: You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before purchase. If you have questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or stop by our office.
Summary of Highest Bids
The summary of highest bids is found here.
Here you will find the land sale brochure as well as the bid form and envelope label to be used when submitting your sealed competitive bid. You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before submitting a bid. All bids are due to the CBJ Purchasing Office by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 11th, 2019. If you have questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or stop by our office. We are located on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Way Building at 105 Municipal Way, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Assembly Approval
Ordinance 2019-17 An Ordinance authorizing the sale of City and Borough land located at the South Lena Point Subdivision and establishing the terms and conditions related to the sale.
This document contains the brochure, the bid forms and the envelope label.
This document contains the brochure but does not have the bid forms and the envelope label.
A Plat of Lots 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D, a Subdivision of Lot 1, Block B, South Lena Subdivision, City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska
City and Borough of Juneau Alaska, Division of Lands & Resources- Phone 907.586.0224 – email [email protected]
Welcome to the Renninger Lot 4 and Lot 5 Over-the-Counter Land Sale!
Here you will find the land sale brochure and all associated documents. The over-the-counter land sale is open to the public at the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office located on the third floor of the Municipal Way Building, 105 Municipal Way. The qualified applicant to successfully complete the Declaration of Intent and Agreement to Purchase will be able to purchase the lot(s). If there is more than one interested party wanting to purchase the same lot, at the same time, staff will use a pre-determined method to select which applicant receives the first opportunity to purchase the lot(s). The lots are available on a first come basis until sold.
Please note: You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before purchase. If you have questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or stop by our office.
Welcome to the 2018 CBJ Land Sale of Renninger Lots 4 & 5 and Lena Lot 10 (Bid No. 18-028)
Here you will find the land sale brochure as well as the bid form and envelope label to be used when submitting your sealed competitive bid. You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before submitting a bid. All bids are due to the CBJ Purchasing Office by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20th, 2018. If you have questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Division Office at 907-586-5252 or stop by our office. We are located on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Way Building at 105 Municipal Way, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
**Please keep in mind that all City offices will be closed Monday, February 19, 2018, in observance of President’s Day.**
Assembly Approval
Ordinance 2014-07(b): An Ordinance authorizing the sale of City and Borough land located at the South Lena Point Subdivision and establishing the terms and conditions related to the sale.
Ordinance 2017-26: An Ordinance authorizing the Manager to dispose of Lot 4 and Lot 5 of the Renninger Subdivision.
Summary of Highest Bids
The summary of highest bids is found here.
2018 CBJ Land Sale of Renninger Lots 4 & 5 and Lena Lot 10 Brochure
The land sale brochure for all lots offered in this sale– with bid form and envelope label– is found here. If you just want the South Lena Subdivision land sale brochure, click here. If you just want the Renninger Subdivision land sale brochure, click here.
Below is an index of the brochure:
Lena Lot 10
- Brochure Cover Sheet
- Competitive Bidding Information (Bidder Qualifications, Submitting a Bid, Awarding the Bids, CBJ Financing, Disclaimers)
- General Conditions (Title and Restrictions/Reservations, Improvements, Wetlands, Water, Electric, Cable, Telephone, Sewer) and Special Conditions
- General Map of Lena Point Area
- Parcel Description and Map:
- FAQs & How to Find CBJ Staff
- Examples of Envelope Format to Use When Submitting Your Bid
- Appendix A: CBJ regulations pertaining to permitting and oversight of OWTDS
- Appendix B: CBJ regulations pertaining to maintenance of OWTDS
- Appendix C: Summary of steps for permitting, designing and installing an OWTDS: property owner responsibilities
- Bid Form and Envelope Label
South Lena Subdivision Supplemental Information included in the land sale brochure:
- Subdivision Survey Plat (Five Pages)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit (this permit expires Oct. 31, 2021)
- Zoning Information
Renninger Lots 4 &5
- Brochure Cover Sheet
- Competitive Bidding Information (Bidder Qualifications, Submitting a Bid, Awarding the Bids, CBJ Financing, Disclaimers)
- General Conditions (Title and Restrictions/Reservations, Improvements, Wetlands,Water, Electric, Sewer, Cable, Telephone) and Special Conditions
- Parcel Descriptions and Maps:
- FAQs & How to Find CBJ Staff
- Examples of Envelope Format to Use When Submitting Your Bid
- Bid Form and Envelope Label
- Subdivision Survey Plat (One Page)
- Area Map
- Topographic Map
- Wetlands Map
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit
Renninger Subdivision Supplemental Information not included in the land sale brochure (due to file size):
- AK DOT Glacier Highway Bike and Pedestrian Improvements
- DOWL Traffic Impact Analysis
- Renninger Subdivision Appraisal
This is the most up-to-date information for CBJ Land Sale of Renninger Lots 4 & 5 and Lena Lot 10 (Bid No. 18-028) as of January 4th, 2018 3:55 P.M. AK time.
Request for Proposals
The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is requesting Proposals and application materials for a negotiated sale or lease of CBJ land and buildings associated with 9290 Hurlock Ave, Juneau, Alaska. This property, located at the corner of Mendenhall Loop Road and Hurlock Avenue, has most recently been utilized as the Cornerstone Campus operated by Juneau Youth Services (JYS). JYS intends to vacate the property at the end of December 2017, at which point the property will revert back to City management. The zoning for this property is D5, single-family residential.
The CBJ is requesting proposals and completed application materials from entities with the experience and capacity to develop this site to meet community needs. This property houses a large, aging facility with three additional buildings totaling over 6,400 square feet. The total size of the parcel is 36,122 square feet. The operation costs calculated by JYS from the past year of the Cornerstone Campus are around $5,000 – $6,000 per month, including heating oil, electricity, and regular maintenance.
CBJ staff will host an open house of the property on January 8th, 2018 from 12pm-6pm.
Proposals and Application Materials must be received by 2:00 pm Alaska Time, January 16, 2018.
Related Documents:
- Property Location Map
- 9290 Hurlock Ave. Appraisal Report
- Cornerstone Main Building Floorplan
- 2010 JYS Lease Agreement with the City
- 2017 Assembly Goals
- 2016 Housing Action Plan
- City Disposal Code
- Table of Permissible Uses
- Letter from Walter Majoros, Interim Executive Director , Juneau Youth Services
- January 3rd, 2018 KTOO Juneau Afternoon Interview with Lands Manager Greg Chaney and Deputy Lands Manager Dan Bleidorn regarding the Hurlock property. Listen here, starting at minute 06:20.
The City and Borough of Juneau is requesting Letters of Interest for the development of up to 6 City-owned properties in the Renninger Subdivision. This subdivision is zoned D15, which allows up to 15 units per acre. Letters of interest should include: description of development proposed, funding sources, type of housing that will be served, how parking will be accommodated on-site, conceptual diagrams, contact information, résumé, and timeframe for construction. City financing for the purchase of land is available.
The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly Lands Committee will be reviewing the Letters of Interest based on the following criteria:
- The number of multi-family units
- Housing provided for underserved and workforce populations
- Fair market value purchase of the land, required or requested property tax exemptions for ultimately developed property should be included
After the initial review process, the Assembly Lands Committee may request additional information in order to determine a project’s viability.
Information on individual lots:
- Area Map
- Topographic Map
- Lot 2, Renninger Subdivision (Sold)
- Lot 3, Renninger Subdivision (Sold)
- Lot 4, Renninger Subdivision
- Lot 5, Renninger Subdivision
- Lot 6, Renninger Subdivision (Sold)
- Lot 7, Renninger Subdivision (Sold)
Additional information on the Renninger Subdivision:
- Subdivision Plat
- Wetlands Map
- Traffic Impact Analysis
- Topography
- Renninger Subdivision Appraisal
- CBJ Park Map
- ADOT Glacier Highway Bike & Pedestrian Improvements
- 2012 Juneau Housing Needs Assessment
The Deadline for submitting a Letter of Interest is April 15th, 2016. Letters received after this date will not be reviewed. Submission of a letter of interest does not obligate the City to pursue development.
Please deliver all Letters of Interest to:
City & Borough of Juneau, Purchasing Division
105 Municipal Way, Room 300
Juneau, AK 99801
Email Letters of Interest to: [email protected]
Fax Letters on Interest to: 907-586-4561
For more information please contact Scott Ciambor at (907) 586-0220
or email him at [email protected]
Welcome to the Spring 2016 Lena Land Sale webpage! Here you will find the complete sales brochure as well as the bid form to be used in submitting your bid. On this webpage you can also review the survey plat, title information, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit, and zoning information. You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before submitting a bid.
If you have more questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Office at 586-5252 or stop by the office located on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Way Building at 105 Municipal Way, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
An Ordinance authorizing the sale of City and Borough land located at the South Lena Point Subdivision and establishing the terms and conditions related to the sale.
LAND SALE BROCHURE (Entire Document with bid form)
- Competitive Bidding Information: Bidder qualifications, Submitting a bid, Awarding the bids, CBJ Financing, Disclaimers.
- General Conditions and Special Conditions: Title and Restrictions/Reservations, Improvements, Wetlands, Eagle Nests, Water, Electric, Cable, Telephone, Sewer
- General Map of Lena Point Area
- Parcel Descriptions and Maps:
- Appendix A: CBJ regulations pertaining to permitting and oversight of OWTDS.
- Appendix B: CBJ regulations pertaining to maintenance of OWTDS.
- Appendix C: Summary of steps for permitting, designing and installing an OWTDS: property owner responsibilities.
- How and to find us: Downtown Location Map and contact information. Call us with questions!
- Map: Land Sale Parcels
- BID FORM: This bid form needs to be filled out by anyone interested in purchasing a lot.
- Subdivision Survey Plat (Five Pages)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit: The City will apply for a permit extension prior to the expiration of this permit. Lots sold in this sale will be included in the extension.
- Zoning Information
- Additional Information
- CBJ Permit Center
230 South Franklin Street
4th Floor – Marine View Center - Division of Water, ADEC
410 Willoughby Ave.
Juneau, Alaska
- CBJ Permit Center
Welcome to the 2015 Lena Land Sale webpage! Here you will find the complete sales brochure as well as the bid form to be used in submitting your bid. On this webpage you can also review the survey plat, title information, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit, and zoning information. You are strongly encouraged to physically examine the land before submitting a bid.
If you have more questions please call the CBJ Lands and Resources Office at 586-5252 or stop by the office located on the 2nd floor of City Hall at 155. S. Seward Street, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.