Planning Commission

Archived Years

For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.

Staff Reports Archive

Meeting DateCase NumberApplicantProject Description
10-14-2014CSP2014 0018City and Borough of Juneau

A City Consistency permit for temporary parking at the 'Bridge Park' under the Juneau-Douglas Bridge.

09-23-2014USE2014 0013GMD Development LLC

Conditional Use Permit for 42 units of multi-family housing and 8,000 square feet of commercial space.

09-23-2014VAR2014 0019GMD Development, LLC & St Vincent de Paul Society

A Variance request to reduce the parking from 93 to 62 spaces for a new four-story building with 42 units of affordable senior housing and 8,000 square feet of retail/office space.

09-23-2014AAP2014 0013Richard Hofmann and Paula Terrel

A Conditional Use Permit for an accessory apartment on a lot not served by city sewer.

09-09-2014AAP2014 0012Matthew Voelckers & Catherine Hatch

A Conditional Use Permit for an accessory apartment on a substandard sized lot in the D5 zoning district

09-09-2014VAR2014 0017 & VAR2014 0018Aniakchak Inc

VAR2014 0017: A Variance to reduce the side yard setback of adjoining lots for a new covered parking deck.
VAR2014 0018: A Variance to reduce the front yard setback from 10' to 0' for a new covered parking deck.

09-09-2014AME2014 0009Juneau Youth Services

An application to rezone Lot 3 of Black Bear Subdivision at the South end of Silver Street from D-1 to D-3.

09-09-2014AME2014 0010City and Borough of Juneau

Amendment to CBJ 49.55.010 Financial Responsibility updating bonding requirements.

09-09-2014VAR2014 0015Raymond Hurley

Variance request to reduce the front yard setback from 20 feet to 5 feet for the construction of a single family residence in the D3 zoning district.

08-26-2014AME2014 0009Juneau Youth Services

An application to rezone lot 3 of Black Bear Subdivision at the south end of Silver Street from D-1 to D-3.

Meeting DateCase NumberApplicantProject Description