
The glacial outburst flood, which took place on August 5 and 6 due to a major release from Suicide Basin, resulted in peak water levels of 15.99 feet at 3 a.m. on August 6. This exceeded the level of the August 2023 outburst (14.97 feet) by over a foot.

Damage was widespread. Preliminary damage assessments of neighborhoods estimate approximately 290 residences (including apartments and condos) were damaged by floodwaters. No casualties or injuries were reported.

CBJ will be sharing updates regarding flood response and resources on this page as available.

Please email [email protected] for ALL flood-related questions, requests and issues not covered below.

Visit the CBJ newsroom for the most recent information releases, including information on CBJ waste and debris removal assistance.

Updated February 4, 2024 (5:30 p.m.)

CBJ Flood Funding Status Table

Since the August 2024 glacial outburst flood, CBJ has been investigating and pursuing every applicable funding opportunity related to flood preparedness, response, or mitigation. Although this work is ongoing, CBJ has already found some success and we are fortunate to be supported by Alaska’s federal delegation and community partners.

A summary of the partnerships, funding agencies, and activities that CBJ is currently pursuing is available in PDF form at This table is not exhaustive and will be updated as relevant.

If you are aware of a funding program that CBJ may have missed, please reach out to [email protected].

FEMA Disaster Assistance Application

Following the federal declaration of disaster emergency, residents can now apply for disaster assistance from FEMA.

Apply online now at or through the Alaska Call Center at 1-866-342-1699. The call center is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Alaska time, Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alaska time, Saturday.

SBA Disaster Loan Application

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for businesses and residents impacted by the disaster. No interest accrues until 12 months from the date of the first disaster loan disbursement. No payment is due until 12 months from the first loan disbursement.

Homeowners may be eligible for a disaster loan of up to $500,000 for primary residence repairs or rebuilding. The SBA may also be able to help homeowners and renters with up to $100,000 to replace personal property, including automobiles, damaged or destroyed in the disaster.

Applicants may apply online and can find additional disaster assistance information at

The deadline to apply for assistance for property damage was December 16, 2024. The deadline to apply for economic injury is July 16, 2025.

Read more about the program and how to apply.

State Disaster Assistance Application

The deadline for applying for State of Alaska individual assistance has now passed. To apply for assistance through FEMA, please see the information above.

The State has also shared the following information for residents with disaster damages:

Red Cross Financial Assistance

The American Red Cross is offering damage-based financial assistance for those whose primary residences (both renters and homeowners) sustained eligible damage as a result of the recent glacial outburst flooding in Juneau (More information in this handout.) Please call (907) 646-5467 to speak with a Red Cross representative.

Disaster Distress Mental Health Support

As many in the community face significant loss and mounting uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to care for your mental well-being alongside your physical needs. That might mean letting yourself take a break from cleaning or repair work, or checking in with friends or loved ones. It might also mean counseling or other forms of support.

If you’re in need of immediate help, the Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7 support to those in distress following a disaster. Through the helpline, crisis counselors listen to what’s on your mind with patience and without judgment. To be connected with a counselor, call or text 1-800-985-5990.

A special Assembly meeting was held at 12 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6 to pass Resolution 3071 confirming the declaration of local emergency and requesting state and federal assistance.

State Disaster Declaration and Disaster Assistance:

We are grateful for the Governor’s State Disaster Declaration.  This makes additional resources and funding available to help recover from the flood disaster.  The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) is sent staff to Juneau on August 6.  Their team is coordinating both individual assistance and public assistance applications.  Impacted residents can apply for Individual Assistance at

Federal Disaster Declaration

In September, Governor Mike Dunleavy and the Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska formally requested a federal declaration of emergency from the White House via FEMA. Read the submitted documentation in full. A federal declaration authorizes funds for public assistance, individual assistance, and hazard mitigation. Alaska’s full Congressional delegation submitted a joint letter in support of the declaration.

On October 17, 2024, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued a federal declaration of major disaster for the 2024 flood. The declaration will now trigger the release of federal funds to help the community recover. This is the first such declaration to be made in response to a joint state-tribal request.

Federal assistance will include both Individual Assistance for impacted households and Public Assistance for infrastructure and facilities. CBJ is working with FEMA to arrange a time for representatives to travel to Juneau and meet with affected residents.  We will share more information as soon as it is available.

During a Special Assembly Meeting on Thursday, October 3, the CBJ Assembly authorized the City Manager to accept HESCO flood fighting barriers from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to begin flood fighting by constructing a temporary levee along the banks of the Mendenhall River in attempt to reduce the impacts of future flood events.   Since the August 6th flood event, CBJ has been actively engaged with industry experts and supporting governmental agencies to identify viable near-term flood mitigation measures.  Through that engagement, an engineered barrier system from HESCO was identified as the preferred alternative.  Additionally, through partnership with the USACE, CBJ will be able to commence the installation of these barriers sooner than other alternatives. CBJ will require access to riverfront properties for site review, installation, and maintenance of the HESCO barriers, which would likely be in place for several years while a permanent flood mitigation solution is determined.

On October 9-13, CBJ Engineering project managers visited riverfront property owners within the proposed Phase 1 deployment of the HESCO flood barriers, between the north end of Marion Drive, along Riverside Drive, Killewich Drive, Meander Way and Rivercourt Way. The purpose of these visits was to gather preliminary information needed to move forward with this effort; CBJ greatly appreciates the time, information and input provided from residents.  A summary of initial findings from the site visits was presented to the CBJ Assembly during the Reorganization Meeting on October 21, 2024. A summary memo is available here.

USACE Technical Experts in Juneau October 30-31

Technical experts from the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Fighting Group (USACE) visited Juneau on October 30 and 31 to provide in-person assistance and expertise to CBJ for the continued development of the HESCO barrier Phase 1 project.  During the USACE visit, representatives, engineers and officials from both organizations visited the riverbank and yards that are within the Phase 1 area (riverbanks from North Marion Drive to downstream to Rivercourt Way) to gather more detailed information to support the effective deployment of the HESCO Barriers.

The final deployment plan for the HESCO barriers will continue to be under consideration by the Assembly. The Assembly will utilize the additional information gathered during the site visits to inform their discussions.

FAQ for Riverfront Homeowners from North Marion Drive to Rivercourt Way

At the December 16 Regular Assembly Meeting, the CBJ Assembly moved forward with a proposed ordinance to establish an LID for the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project. Several amendments were made to the ordinance, including decreasing the LID property owners’ contribution from 50% of the project cost to 40%. The amendments are available in the agenda packet under “U. Supplementary Materials.”

A copy of the FAQ mailed to all property owners in LID area is available here. This FAQ reflects the December 16 amendments. The FAQ was last updated on January 15.

More information about public meetings, including minutes and agendas, is available under the “Public Meetings” tag on this page. All are encouraged to join these meetings, whether remote or in person, and send comments and feedback to [email protected].

February 3 Assembly Meeting: LID and HESCO Barrier Project

The February 3 Assembly meeting included the final public hearing on the proposed LID for Phase 1 of the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project, followed by a formal count of written objections. The LID passed and the Assembly adopted the related ordinance.

Watch a recording of the meeting or read the agenda packet at

January 3 Neighborhood Meeting: LID and HESCO Barrier Project

CBJ hosted a public meeting on Friday, January 3 to discuss the proposed LID and Phase 1 of the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project. CBJ staff and representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were on hand at Thunder Mountain Middle School to answer questions and hear thoughts from those in the neighborhood.

Read the latest FAQ about the project at This updated FAQ reflects amendments made to the proposed LID ordinance on December 16.

December 16 Assembly Meeting: Local Improvement District (LID) Public Hearing

The December 16 Regular Assembly Meeting included a public hearing on the proposed ordinance to establish an LID for the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project.

The full text of the proposed ordinance, as well as related memos and documents, is available in the meeting agenda packet as item M-20. To learn more about the LID process, see the FAQ mailed to all property owners or read the full PSA.

During the meeting, the Assembly made several amendments, which are included in the agenda packet under item U. Supplementary Materials. The FAQ above reflects these amendments.

Watch a recording of the meeting at

November 18 Assembly Meeting: Local Improvement District (LID) Proposal

The Regular Assembly Meeting on Monday, November 18 included discussion of a possible Local Improvement District (LID) for the proposed HESCO barrier flood mitigation project.

Watch a recording or read the full agenda packet at

The LID is agenda item D-4: Introduction of Ordinance 2024-40 An Ordinance Creating a Local Improvement District No. 210 HESCO Barrier Project Phase 1 and Appropriating the Sum of up to $7,580,000.

November 12 & 14: USACE Public Meeting/Open House on Flood Preparation for Homeowners

CBJ and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted public events on November 12 and 14 to share knowledge and answer questions about flood preparations for homeowners.

On Tuesday, November 12, USACE held a public meeting which included a presentation followed by Q&A.  An electronic copy of the presentation is available HERE and a recording of the presentation and Q&A is available at .

On Thursday, November 14, USACE held an open house from 4 – 7 p.m. to answer questions and chat one-on-one with homeowners.

The CBJ Flood Response website will be updated when similar events are scheduled in the future.

November 4 Assembly Committee of the Whole Worksession: USACE Presentation on Flood Mitigation/HESCO Barriers

The November 4 Assembly COW worksession included a presentation from the US Army Corps of Engineers on HESCO barriers and flood mitigation.

Watch a recording or read the agenda packet at

October 21 Assembly Reorganization Meeting: Flood Mitigation Update and Related Resolutions and Ordinances

The October 21 Assembly Reorganization Meeting included an update on flood mitigation and site preparation and several flood related resolutions and ordinances.

Watch a recording or read the agenda packet at

October 3 Special Assembly Meeting: Flood Mitigation Emergency Ordinance

A Special Assembly Meeting took place on Thursday, October 3 at 12 p.m. via Zoom only. The Assembly received a flood mitigation update from the City Manager and took action on Emergency Ordinance 2024-34 (An Emergency Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute a Cooperative Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers for Advance Measure Assistance).

The meeting agenda and packet are available at

September 23 Special Assembly Meeting: Advocacy Update, Public Hearing on Flood Response Ordinances

The following ordinances were introduced at the regular Assembly meeting on September 16 and were up for public hearing at the special meeting on September 23.

Ordinance 2024-01(b)(M) An Ordinance Appropriating $3,000,000 to the Manager as Local Matching Funds for a United States Army Corps of Engineers Glacier Outburst Flooding General Investigation Study; Funding Provided by General Funds.

Ordinance 2024-01(b)(N) An Ordinance Appropriating $100,000 to the Manager for Expanded Inundation Maps and Hydrological Modeling of the Mendenhall River; Funding Provided by General Funds.

The meeting also included an update from the Mayor and City Manager about meetings with federal agencies to advocate for a federal declaration of disaster and flood mitigation support.

Watch a recording or read the agenda packet at

September 16 Regular Assembly Meeting: Flood Response Ordinances Introduced

The September 16 Regular Assembly Meeting included the introduction of several ordinances related to flood response and mitigation.

Ordinance 2024-01(b)(M): An Ordinance Appropriating $3,000,000 to the Manager as Local Matching Funds for a United States Army Corps of Engineers Glacier Outburst Flooding General Investigation Study; Funding Provided by General Funds.

Ordinance 2024-01(b)(N) An Ordinance Appropriating $100,000 to the Manager for Expanded Inundation Maps and Hydrological Modeling of the Mendenhall River; Funding Provided by General Funds.

Watch a recording of the meeting or read the agenda packet at

September 9 Assembly Committee of the Whole Worksession: Flood Mitigation Update

The Assembly Committee of the Whole worksession scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, September 9 included an update on flood mitigation. Representatives from several federal agencies met with CBJ on September 6 and CBJ participants reported to the Assembly at the worksession.

Read the agenda packet or watch a recording of the meeting on

August 19 Assembly Meeting: Flood Response Update

The August 19 Assembly meeting included a major update on flood response from CBJ and partners, as well as heartfelt testimony from the public.

Read the agenda packet or watch a recording of the meeting at

CBJ is interested in hearing from individuals or organizations, especially those with expertise in civil engineering or hydrology, who have ideas to prevent or mitigate future glacier lake outburst events. Please email [email protected].

CBJ, U.S. Forest Service, and Tlingit & Haida Agreement

The Forest Service and City & Borough of Juneau signed a $1 million participating agreement to search for a long-term solution providing relief to Juneau residents who reside in the flood path of the Mendenhall River. The federal funding would not be realized without staunch support from the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida). Read the full story.

Request for Mitigation Assistance from US Army Corps of Engineers

On September 19, the Governor’s Office requested USACE emergency management planning assistance, including flood-fighting resources. On September 18, Tlingit & Haida requested a USACE feasibility study to address the impacts of glacial erosion and flooding. Among other things, a feasibility study would enable CBJ and Tlingit & Haida to access critical federal resources, such as the Alaska Coastal Erosion grant, for damage prevention and protection.

Public Meetings on Mitigation

Flood mitigation is a regular topic at recent Assembly meetings and worksessions. Several ordinances have been introduced to secure funding and CBJ staff and partners have regularly reported on the status of federal advocacy efforts.

See the “Public Meetings” tab on this page for information about upcoming public meetings addressing flood mitigation, as well as links to recordings of past meetings.

Mitigation for Homeowners

FEMA has a number of resources available for homeowners exploring individual steps to protect their property from flooding. For links and information, see the “Next Steps for Impacted Homeowners” tab.

  • To check conditions at Suicide Basin, visit the National Weather Service’s monitoring page at
  • To see maps modeling floodwater inundation levels, visit (scroll down and click “Activate MNDA2 FIM Gauge”).
  • For the latest weather information and updates, follow the National Weather Service on Facebook and X (Twitter).
  • Homeowners experiencing flood damage are encouraged to check FEMA’s informational booklet Repairing Your Flooded Home for step-by-step advice to help clean up and rebuild.
  • Residents who have experienced damage or displacement are encouraged to read through a recovery checklist of steps to take about insurance, mortgage, utilities, and more.
  • Homeowners who would like to explore individual mitigation steps for their property are encouraged to check the FEMA Mitigation for Homeowners fact sheet.
  • CBJ has received a delivery of sandbags from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and will distribute them to impacted homeowners from October 19 through October 22. Every household that was impacted by the 2024 Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) is eligible to receive up to 200 sandbags free of charge. For details about where to pick up sandbags and fill, as well as other questions you may have, please see the CBJ Sandbag Distribution FAQ.
  • For general information about flood fighting and preparation, see the USACE’s Flood-Fight Handbook.
  • Click here to view the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) health and safety guidance document, Be Ready! Floods.
  • CBJ and the US Army Corps of Engineers will host public events on November 12 & 14 about flood preparation for homeowners. See the Public Meetings tab for more information.

The following is a list of local contractors that may be able to assist homeowners with reconstruction projects. If you are a contractor who would like to be added to this list, please contact [email protected].

CBJ is providing this for informational purposes only and at the request of the community. CBJ is not formally endorsing or recommending any individual private business, but greatly appreciates the support the Juneau business community continues to provide to impacted residents.

Entries in red are new additions to the list. (Last addition: 11/14)

Company Phone Email
Alaska Concrete Casting 907-780-4225 [email protected]
Alaska Renovators, Inc. 907-209-6320 [email protected]
Alpine Construction Enterprises, LLC 907-723-6473 [email protected]
B&R Construction 907-789-3669 [email protected]
Bicknell Inc. 907-789-5727 [email protected]
Building Pros, Inc. 907-312-1626 [email protected]
Bruce Griggs 907-723-7851 [email protected]
Compass Construction, LLC 907-723-6627 [email protected]
Carver Construction, LLC 907-364-3215 [email protected]
Chatham Electric 907-789-9899 [email protected]
Constellation Development 907-364-3166 [email protected]
Coogan Construction 907-780-6000 [email protected]
Dawson Construction 907-780-1500 [email protected]
Douglas Island Development, LLC 907-723-6803 [email protected]
Duran Construction Co. 907-321-6161 [email protected]
Harri Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 907-586-3190 [email protected]
Highliner Construction 907-500-7939 [email protected]
Holombo Construction LLC 907-789-5235 [email protected]
Island Contractors Inc 907-723-0183 [email protected]
JG Construction 907-500-7959 [email protected]
Luedke Construction 907-419-8170 [email protected]
Lowpete Construction Inc 907-789-5025 [email protected]
Miramontes Construction 907-780-2246 [email protected]
Operating Engineers Local 302 907-586-3850 [email protected]
Peak Construction 907-321-7792 [email protected]
Polyseal/MCGA 907-745-7325 [email protected]
Renewal by Andersen of Alaska 907-331-6894 [email protected]
RH Development L.L.C. 907-790-4146 [email protected]
SEAK, LLC 907-957-7325 [email protected]
Silverbow Construction 907-723-9886 [email protected]
Southeast Alaska Maintenance L.L.C. 907-780-4157 [email protected]
Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (dba Southeast General Contractors) 907-780-3188 [email protected]
Tongass Electric 907-617-9246 [email protected]
Unalakleet Investments, LLC 717-491-9994 [email protected]
VRB Construction, LLC 907-723-0141 [email protected]
  • Tim Murphy has offered to assist impacted residents with computer & data recovery. Please contact [email protected].
  • Delta Western has also offered to dip oil tanks for water and provide oil boom and other sorbent materials at no cost to impacted residences in the flood zone. Interested residents can contact Delta Western at their Juneau Office, 907-586-2800.
  • AK Heat Smart will prioritize residents replacing flood-damaged boilers, furnaces, or other heating systems with a heat pump. Tax credits and financial incentives are available. Visit for information or call 907-975-2943.
  • Juneau Composts! is providing free compost to food-based gardens that were in the flood zone. Send an email to [email protected] with your address and your approximate garden dimensions. They will respond with directions on how to claim your free compost.
  • Your Northern Home: crawl spaces in Southeast Alaska is an educational video from the Cold Climate Housing Research Center that may be useful for homeowners looking for information about insulation and vapor barrier installation.

If your home or property was damaged in the flooding, you are encouraged to request partial property tax relief from the CBJ Assessor’s Office.

The Assessor’s Office will provide more information and guidance in the coming days, but property owners who are ready to take next steps now are welcome to fill out the Disaster Relief form and return it by email, along with photos of damage, to [email protected] or by postal mail to 155 Heritage Way, Juneau, Alaska 99801.

If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call (907) 586-5215 ext 4033.

After-the-Fact Permitting

The CBJ Community Development Department has authorized after-the-fact permitting to address immediate threats to property and safety. This includes both home repair and emergency bank stabilization.

After-the-fact permitting means that property owners may proceed immediately with work necessary to make their home or property safe, on the understanding that they will obtain the necessary permits as soon as possible.

Permitting requirements differ depending on the type of work and the property location. Please read the complete FAQs linked below to understand what kind of after-the-fact permits you may need and how to acquire them.

Emergency Bank Stabilization

NEW: Read FAQs about bank stabilization and permitting.

After-the-fact permitting is allowed for emergency bank stabilization on the Mendenhall River to protect property and structures from further damage from the flood. For example, property owners may immediately repair damage to existing bank stabilization, or place new bank stabilization.

Important note: Emergency bank stabilization does not include placing fill to reclaim land beyond what is necessary to secure structures or place bank stabilization according to engineering standards. Such reclamation requires full permitting before starting work.

Once your property is safe, you’ll need to apply for a Grading Permit (including plans certified by an engineer licensed in the State of Alaska). Depending on the location of your property, you may also need to apply for a Floodplain Development Permit. More information about both permitsand how to tell what you needis included in the guide below.

Read the complete guide to after-the-fact permitting for emergency bank stabilization at After-the-Fact Permitting – A Guide for Bank Stabilization.

Home Repair (Building Permits)

After-the-fact permitting is allowed for home repair to address immediate threats to property and safety. Some examples include plumbing, electrical, and heating repairs.

Many immediate repairssuch as insulation and sheet rockdon’t require a building permit at all. Others, such as electrical repairs, typically do. Once your home is safe, contact the Community Development Department Building Division at (907) 586-0767 and request to speak with a building inspector. The inspector will be able to tell you whether an after-the-fact building permit is necessary.

Important note: If your home or structure is in the Mendenhall River mapped floodplain or floodway, you may also need a Floodplain Development Permit. It’s best to check on the floodplain permit in advance, because a floodplain permit might trigger other requirements for the work that need to be addressed upfront.

Read the complete guide to after-the-fact permitting for your home repair work at After-the-Fact Permitting – A Guide for Home Repair.

Demo Permits (Building Sales Tax Exemption Card)

The CBJ Community Development Department will issue a demo permit “To prepare for flood restoration.”  This is a permit with no fee attached. With the permit, CDD will issue a Building Sales Tax Exemption card for supplies and labor. The demo permit will cover the repair/replacement of sheetrock, cabinets, counters, flooring, and other items/actions not requiring inspection.

If structural, mechanical, or electrical repairs or upgrades are being performed then a building permit (not a demo permit) is required, as inspections will be required for those repairs or upgrades—see the Home Repair section above.

To apply for a demo permit or get clarification on what items may or may not require inspection please contact the Juneau Permit Center at 907-586-0770 or online at

There has been a steady decrease in demand for disaster debris collection in the past week, but we know that several homes are still removing damaged items and materials. Starting Wednesday, September 4, CBJ will switch to collecting debris by request. Please continue to bag and move your debris to the right-of-way, and when you’re ready for collection, email [email protected] with your street address.

Monday, September 30, will be the last day CBJ will be doing routine debris collection. If you are working with a contractor to remove construction and demolition waste (such as flooring and drywall) after that date, please ask them to contact [email protected], and CBJ staff may collect these items on a case-by-case basis.

Please continue to separate out hazardous waste. Hazardous items include cleaning chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, fuel, propane tanks, electronic waste/anything with a battery or cord (except freezers, refrigerators, and AC units). See a list here. You can also dispose of hazardous waste for free at CBJ’s RecycleWorks facility. Visit for more information about household hazardous waste.

If you are self-hauling to Waste Management’s Capitol Disposal landfill, please keep in mind that documentation is required for all loads. Please complete the non-asbestos certification form before arriving at the landfill. The landfill is open Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. for residential customers.

Please note that this is a reimbursable expense for up to $1,500 if your application for Individual Assistance (IA) is approved by the State. Residents will need to provide receipts of payment for reimbursement and apply online or via the hotline at 1-844-445-7131 to utilize IA funding. Visit to learn more about the process or start your application.

Please bring brush and trees to the “stump dump” and not the landfill or Juneau Composts. Contact Alaska Juneau Construction  at 907-789-7199 or [email protected] for disposal information.

Stay Safe from Mold

Although mold can start growing within 24 hours after water enters your home, it often takes some time before it’s easily detectable. At the same time, mold exposure can lead to breathing problems or allergic reactions.

Be on the alert for signs of mold or symptoms of exposure, and be sure to protect yourself while you’re cleaning. Here are a few helpful resources:

Please stay away from flood-impacted areas if at all possible to allow response crews to work unobstructed. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Damage Assessment:

  • The CBJ Building Official is available for field visits.  Please e-mail [email protected] if you would like assistance from the Building Official on determining whether your building is not safe.  In the interim, please see these resources linked below.  The Red Cross will continue providing assistance in the coming weeks to help do the formal Damage Assessment documentation.

FEMA Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment

Representatives from FEMA and the SBA are in Juneau recently traveled to Juneau to conduct a Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) following the August 6 Mendenhall River flooding.

Teams of FEMA, SBA, state and tribal representatives were on the ground in neighborhoods impacted by flooding, visiting individual homes, doing damage assessments, and gathering information to support any request for a federal declaration of emergency.

The CBJ Community Development has prepared a flood insurance FAQ answering questions like how to start a flood insurance claim and how FEMA flood insurance works. If you’re not sure whether your home insurance covers flood damage or where to find more information, start with this FAQ.

If you’re ready to start a federal flood insurance claim, visit FEMA’s webpage Starting Your Recovery After a Flood.

To speak with a FEMA flood insurance expert, contact Kristin Minich, FEMA Region X Flood Insurance Liaison, at (202) 631-9604 or [email protected].

  • Residents who have loose or spilling fuel tanks and/or other hazardous spill situations should contact the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Spill Prevention and Response hotline at 1-800-478-9300, or report a spill via their website at
    • DEC staff are in the field responding to reports of spills and odors in the impacted neighborhoods.
  • Delta Western has offered to dip oil tanks for water and provide oil boom and other sorbent materials at no cost to impacted residences in the flood zone. Interested residents can contact Delta Western at their Juneau Office, 907-586-2800.

If you are looking for information about how to select or hire a private attorney, you may wish to use the Alaska Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service. Visit or call (907) 272-0352 / toll-free 1-800-770-9999.

If you are looking for information about city laws or policy, the complete CBJ municipal code is searchable online at

Many residents have cars or trucks that have been damaged or totaled by the flood and are now wondering what steps to take.

CBJ will soon begin removing and disposing of flood-damaged vehicles by owner request. If you’re not filing an insurance claim, you can sign up to have your vehicle collected from your residence or street. Read CBJ’s flood-damaged vehicle guidance to find out how to sign up and prepare your vehicle for removal.

Please note that if you are filing an insurance claim, do not have CBJ remove your vehicle—this will negatively impact your claim.

If you can’t wait for your vehicle to be collected, you’re welcome to dispose of it for free through CBJ’s junk vehicle program. Visit for step-by-step instructions.

Request a Water Turn-Off

In the wake of damage to your home, it’s easy to overlook the important step of turning off your utilities. If your home is uninhabitable and you cannot use water or sewer services due to recent flooding, please contact the CBJ Meters team to request a water turn-off. This will make sure you are not billed unnecessarily

Call or text (907) 723-0449 or email [email protected] to request a turn-off. There is no turn-off fee for flood-affected residents.

Power Outages

Alaska Electric Light & Power (AELP) closely monitored rising water levels leading up to and during the flood and disconnected power to affected neighborhoods prior to inundation. AELP staff reconnecting power as it was is safe to do so and is sharing the latest outage updates on their website and Facebook page.

Emergency Shelter and Temporary Housing

  • CBJ opened an emergency shelter at the former Floyd Dryden Middle School Building (3800 Mendenhall Loop Road) to those impacted by potential flooding. Residents began arriving at approximately 1 a.m. on August 6 and a total of 43 people took shelter at Floyd Dryden over the night.
  • Many residents who initially planned to return to their homes are now realizing that repairs will take longer than anticipated. Others are facing unexpected health and safety concerns.If you are unable to stay in your home because of flood damage and are in need of shelter, please email [email protected] to be connected with those coordinating shelter and temporary housing.

At this stage, the United Way is no longer coordinating resident connections with volunteer groups. Instead, they are focusing on providing resources such as information and cleaning supplies. Message boards for posting services, donated items and needs, as well as a small cleaning supply depot, will be available at Melvin Park.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the United Way volunteers, Team Rubicon and others who have generously contributed their time and efforts.

For those interested in making financial contributions, please visit the Juneau Community Foundation’s website at for details on how to donate to the Mendenhall Flood relief fund.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to [email protected] to be connected with the right organization.

Please be aware of an email scam going around that appears to come from a CBJ board, commission or department and claims that the recipient owes payment or fees to CBJ. If the sender’s email does not end in “,” this is a scam. If you are at all unsure or have questions, please contact [email protected].

Scammers often take advantage of the emotional situations following disasters. If you receive an unexpected request for payment or invoice from any agency, business or individual, please proceed with caution as it may be a scam. If you are unsure, contact [email protected].

On August 7, the CBJ Assembly passed Resolution 3036(b) confirming the declaration of local emergency and requesting state and federal assistance.

The Mendenhall River banks remain highly unstable. All individuals are strongly advised to stay away from the river to ensure their safety.

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest disaster loans to businesses and residents affected by the flooding. SBA representatives will open a disaster loan outreach center at Dimond Park Aquatic Center from October 10-24. The deadline to apply for property damage is December 5, 2023. The deadline to apply for economic injury is July 8, 2024. Read the SBA’s press release for more details, or see the following fact sheets:
  • Homeowners experiencing flood damage are encouraged to check FEMA’s informational booklet Repairing Your Flooded Home for step-by-step advice to help clean up and rebuild.
  • Residents who have experienced damage or displacement are encouraged to read through a recovery checklist of steps to take about insurance, mortgage, utilities, and more.
  • Residents who have loose or spilling fuel tanks and/or other hazardous spill situations should contact the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Spill Prevention and Response hotline at 1-800-478-9300.

Please see the CBJ newsroom for the most recent information releases.


Sign-Up for CBJ Alerts

If you have a question, need for resources, or wish to submit information, please email us.

[email protected]
Flood Recovery FAQ