City & State Project Review

Projects which are managed by the City and Borough of Juneau or the State of Alaska are subject to our City State Project Review Process (CSP). Through this, we ensure that all government projects conform to the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted plans, in order to protect and enhance the livability of Juneau for current and future generations.
City Projects
The Planning Commission reviews all proposed City and Borough Capital Improvement Projects estimated at $500,000 or more, for consistency with the Land Use Code and adopted plans, pursuant to CBJ 49.15.580.
State Projects
The Planning Commission reviews all proposed Alaska State Improvement Projects, for consistency with the Land Use Code and adopted plans, pursuant to AS 35.30.
Public Noticing
Projects under CSP review review the following types of noticing:
- Notice of the application and the public hearing shall be mailed to property owners and all neighborhood associations listed with the municipal clerk in accordance with CBJ 11.35, located within 500 feet of the property subject to the city or state project.
- A large public notice sign shall be posted at the site or other location approved by the director at least 14 days prior to the Public Hearing. The sign shall be visible from a public right-of-way, and contain a project description, the date of the public hearing, and contact information.
- Notice of the public hearing and project shall be published in the newspaper a minimum of 10 days prior to the public hearing.
- The proposed project will be posted as an agenda item on the Planning Commission website.
Public Comment
The public is encouraged to provide relevant and impactful comments to proposed City and State projects, by connecting comments to adopted City and Borough of Juneau plans. Comments may be submitted in the following ways:
- Email comments to [email protected]. All comments will be distributed to the Planning Commissioners the Friday before the meeting.
- Give public testimony during the Planning Commission meeting as the project is being discussed.
- Provide the Planning Commission with up to two pages of written testimony at the Planning Commission meeting.
Submit Application
CSP Applications may be submitted to [email protected], or our Permit Center at 230 S Franklin Street, 4th Floor.
For projects $2.5 million or more, an application fee of $1,600 is due.