What We Do
Permit Center
The Permit Center is a central location, where on any given day you can meet with CBJ planners, building inspectors, or permit staff in person, without an appointment. Here, you can review, discuss, and ask questions about the most current building codes, land use codes, and permit processes. CDD staff can assist you with pre-application research, advise you on making a strong application, and answer questions about active building permits or land use cases. And when you’re ready, you can apply for your building, land use, engineering, and fire permits, all in one location. If you have any questions or comments, contact us at [email protected].
CBJ Planning supports the public and the borough in facilitating a public engagement process, to ensure that we are being good stewards of the city’s land and resources. We do this through the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, administering land use and subdivision regulations, and performing development review. Planning staff also support a variety of citizen committee’s including the Juneau Commission on Sustainability, the Historic Resources Advisory Committee, the Wetland Review Board, the Juneau Coordination Transportation Coalition, various neighborhood area planning steering committees, and the Planning Commission. If you have any questions or comments, contact us at [email protected].

CBJ Building offers services that include the review of building permits, and inspection of buildings, to ensure the protection of people and property in the building construction process and the future use of the structure. This is done by ensuring construction meets the standards put forth by the International Building Code, and the local modifications to the Building Code in Title 19, customized to Juneau’s unique setting. Building staff also support the Building Code Advisory Committee, and the American’s with Disabilities Act Committee. For more information, contact [email protected].
Land Database Management
CDD maintains the foundational property records for land within the City and Borough of Juneau. This includes processing parcel consolidations and subdivisions, tracking permitting and housing data, assigning property addresses, and updating hazard areas for natural disasters such as flooding, landslides, and avalanches.

Code Compliance
CBJ Code Compliance works to bring blighted properties, illegal property uses, and unsafe buildings into compliance with our building, land use, engineering, and fire codes, for the health and safety of our community.
GIS Analysis / Cartography
The City & Borough of Juneau Geographic Information Services (GIS) is responsible for creating, acquiring, maintaining, analyzing, and presenting multiple types of geographic data to support the various business needs of the City & Borough Government, and as a service to the public. CBJ GIS provides geographic information through dynamic on-line map viewers and printable pdf maps. The CBJ does not provide software support, custom analysis, or custom map production to the public.If you have any questions or comments, contact us at [email protected].