
The purpose of sign regulations are to enhance the aesthetic environment of Juneau, to attract sources of economic development to businesses and facilities, and ensure they are built safely, to withstand the various environmental factors that are present in our area.
Signs that Require a Permit
- Complete a Sign Permit Application
- Complete a Development Permit Application
- Gather all supplemental materials, which shall include:
a. Plan view showing the location and dimensions of existing and proposed signs – a photo of the building facade with measurements shown will suffice;
b. As-built drawings, site plans, or aerial views of building showing dimensions of each side of building; and,
c. Summary of existing signs – noted on the application. - Submit the above items to the Permit Center using one of the following methods:
a. Email to [email protected]; and,
b. Bring paperwork into the Permit Center at 230 S. Franklin Street, 4th Floor.
For information on sign specifications and what is considered acceptable, please visit read our code chapter relating to signs, in CBJ 49.45.
For questions, please call our Planner on Call at 907.586.0715.
Historic District
All signs proposed for placement in the Historic District must comply with the Historic District Sign Standards. Please call our Planner on Call at 907.586.0715 for more details on this.
Sign Review Timeline
A sign permit application will be reviewed and decided by the department within three (3) working days after receipt of the complete application.
Signs that Do Not Require a Permit
Certain window signs, residential signs, and temporary signs do not require a permit. For more information on these types of signs, please visit CBJ 49.45.300
Photo Courtesy of Patrick McGonegal