Planning Commission

Archived Years

For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.

Staff Reports Archive

Meeting DateCase NumberApplicantProject Description
03-27-2012CSP2012 0007Heather Marlow, CBJ Lands & Resources

A City consistency permit for the disposal of City land to the Juneau Housing Trust for future Bungalow homes

03-27-2012CSP2012 0008CBJ Community Development

Review of the CBJ Capital Improvement Program for FY13-FY18.

03-27-2012CSP2012 0003 Part 1 of 4Catherine Wilkins, CBJ Engineering

A City Consistency permit for the renovation of Auke Bay Elementary School

03-27-2012CSP2012 0003 Part 2 of 4Catherine Wilkins, CBJ Engineering

A City Consistency permit for renovation of Auke Bay Elementary School

03-27-2012CSP2012 0003 Part 3 of 4Catherine Wilkins, CBJ Engineering

A City Consistency permit for the renovation of Auke Bay Elementary School

03-27-2012CSP2012 0003 Part 4 of 4Catherine Wilkins, CBJ Engineering

A City Consistency permit for the renovation of Auke Bay Elementary School

03-20-2012AME2012 0006CBJ Community Development

A Text Amendment to initiate review of the Comprehensive Plan Update.

03-13-2012VAR2012 0002Resurrection Lutheran Church

A Variance Request to reduce the side yard setback from 17 feet to 8.5 feet.

03-13-2012AAP2012 0002David Philips

A Conditional Use permit for an accessory apartment attached to a single-family dwelling on a substandard lot not served by city sewer.

03-13-2012AME20120002Community Development Department

Revision of sections of CBJ 49, the Land Use Code, to increase residential density limits in select zoning districts, and to provide for development bonuses.

Meeting DateCase NumberApplicantProject Description