Planning Commission
Archived Years
For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.
Staff Reports Archive
Meeting Date | Case Number | Applicant | Project Description |
02-12-2013 | VAR2013 0001 | Nathan Overson | Request for height variance from required 35 feet to 47 feet for proposed dormitory. |
02-12-2013 | SMP2012 0001 | Bicknell Inc | Montana Creek West PUD Phase 2A : Major Subdivision rsulting in 12 new lots. |
02-12-2013 | USE2012 0023 & CSP2013 0004 Part 1 | MRV Architects | A Conditional Use permit and State Project review for a 120-bed dormitory residence with conneccted meeting space, study rooms, seminar space, and shared laundry. |
02-12-2013 | USE2012 0023 & CSP2013 0004 Part 2 | MRV Architects | A Conditional Use permit and City Project review for a 120-bed dormitory residence with connected meeting space, study rooms, seminar space, and shared laundry. |
01-22-2013 | VAR2012 0030 | Ken Huse | A variance to reduce the front yard setback from 14.6 ft to 4 ft (eave projection to 0.5 ft of property line) for reconstruction and expansion of existing garage and accessory building. |
01-22-2013 | CSP2013 0001 & CSP2013 0002 | State of Alaska, DOT | CSP13-01; Illuminate Egan Drive from Norway Point to the McNugget intersection. CSP13-02; Easement on municipal property for an electrical connection, to support an ADOT project for a continuous lighting system along Egan Drive. |
01-22-2013 | VAR2012 0031 | Aniakchak Incorporated | A variance to allow a subdivision along an un-built, City right-of-way not maintained by a government agency. |
01-08-2013 | AME2012 0014 | CBJ | Amend the Land Use Code to eliminate the vegetative cover requirement in the MU (Mixed Use) zone district and to require Public Institutional Uses to provide the same vegetative cover as required in the underlying zone district. |
01-08-2013 | VAR2012 0029 | R&S Construction LLC | A variance request to the requirement that lots be designed to conform to a minimum rectangle of 100' by 100' in a D-3 zone district - CBJ 49.15.460.(4)(A)(i)(b). |
01-08-2013 | VAR2012 0032 | Colin S. Shanley | Variance to reduce on-site parking from 2 to 0 for a new single family dwelling. |
Meeting Date | Case Number | Applicant | Project Description |