Planning Commission

Archived Years

For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.

Notice of Decision Archive

Meeting DateCase NumberProject DescriptionMeeting Result
03-26-2013VAR2013 0006

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to 13.8 feet for a one car garage.

03-12-2013USE2013 0004

Conditional Use Permit to construct a detached accessory apartment to tie into replacement on-site septic system.

03-12-2013AAP2013 0004

A conditional use permit to allow an accessory apartment.

03-12-2013VAR2013 0002

Variance request to reduce front setback from 10' to 3.5' for a reconstruction of an existing artic entry and construction of an covered deck.

03-12-2013USE2013 0002

CUP for Alaska Glacier Seafoods for medium manufacturing (seafood packaging).

03-12-2013TMI2013 0001

Interpretation of Title 49 CBJ Land Use Code, as it pertains to whether an accessory apartment can be permitted on lots less than the minimum lot size in RR, D-1 and D-3 zones with two stand-alone
single-family residences. CBJ 49.25.510(d)(2)(g)(i) and CBJ 49.25.510(e)

02-26-2013USE2012 0017

A Conditional Use Permit for a 100' Monopole Wireless Communication Facility (cell phone tower) with six panel antennas.

02-26-2013USE2013 0003

A Conditional Use Permit for a change of use from a residence to university offices.

02-26-2013VAR2012 0028

A variance to the minimum lot depth requirement of 100' in a D-3 zone to 95' for one triangular shaped lot resulting from a proposed subdivision of Horst Lot 3 into two lots.

02-26-2013AME2012 0010

Rezone Request From D5 to D18.

Meeting DateCase NumberProject DescriptionMeeting Result