Flood Map Revisions

Project Contact Information

If you have questions, please contact CBJ Permit Center at 907.586.0770 or [email protected]


The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently completed an update of the borough-wide flood zone maps. The new Flood Insurance Rate Map is effective as of September 18, 2020. Flood zones are based on both scientific and community-provided data that helps identify areas with the potential for storm and flood events that may put lives and property in danger. Using recent topographical and engineering data, the CBJ has worked closely with FEMA to ensure the flood maps are as accurate as possible.

Updated maps will be used by community officials for future development, land use mapping, hazard mitigation planning, and implementation of the City’s flood management ordinance and policies. Map designations inform flood insurance rates for properties that have federally backed loans. Updated maps are a requirement for CBJ participation in FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program.

Under the map revision, approximately 191 properties were removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area. Homes within the Special Flood Hazard Area are required to obtain flood insurance with a federally-backed mortgage. Approximately 45 properties were added to the Special Flood Hazard Area.

Final Borough-wide
Flood Map Adoption

Final Flood Insurance Rate Map
CBJ Flood Insurance Study

As a result of public comments from the 2018 and 2019 public process, FEMA has released the final Flood Insurance Rate Map. The map link above provides a comparison between the previously adopted 2013 Flood Insurance Rate Map and the final revised map adopted September 18,2020. The final map and the CBJ Flood Insurance Study are also available through the FEMA Map Service Center at https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home. At this link, click “search all products,” enter state, enter Juneau Borough under “county,” enter City and Borough of Juneau for community, and click on “product.”

Tee Harbor Flood Maps

Final Flood Insurance Rate Map for Tee Harbor

Applicable area is along the Tee Harbor coastline and surrounding area. As a result of comments received in 2018, CBJ worked with FEMA to develop a precise study of the Tee Harbor area. This study has greatly improved the accuracy of the maps and will result in lower flood insurance rates for most homeowners. The Tee Harbor study and map revision has been completed through FEMA’s Letter of Map Revision process and is separate from the Borough-wide flood map revision process. The Tee Harbor Flood Map Revision is final and effective as of May 26, 2020. The map link above (coming soon) provides a comparison between the recently effective 2013 Flood Insurance Rate Map for Tee Harbor and the final effective map. The final map is also available through the FEMA Map Service Center at https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home. At this link, click “search all products,” enter state, enter Juneau Borough under “county,” enter City and Borough of Juneau for community, click on “effective products,” click on “LOMC,” then “LOMR,” then Product ID 19-10-1198P-020009.

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