Planning Commission

Archived Years

For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.

Notice of Public Hearing Archive

Meeting DateCase NumberProject Description

A City permit for the expansion of the Parking District-1 overlay boundary.


A Variance Request to reduce the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet for an existing second story deck.

07-26-2011USE2011 0015

A Conditional Use permit for an apartment complex of four 2-story buildings.

07-26-2011USE2011 0010

A Conditional Use permit to establish two accessory apartments in two detached single-family dwellings.


Conditional use permit for gravel extraction on lot 1.

07-12-2011CSP2011 0004

A proposed 175' telecomm. tower associated with city review permit# use2011 0013.

07-12-2011USE2011 0013

A proposed 175' telecom. tower associated with city review permit# CSP2011 0004.

07-12-2011VAR2011 0015

A Variance request to reduce the side yard setback from 3'4' to 0' and a reductionin the front yard setback from 10' to 2.64'.


Add 4 mobile home spaces to Creekside Park; close existing road from Belardi Drive and add new entrance/exit from Alway Ave. resulting in 95 space mobile home park.


Expansion of the Parking District - 1 overlay boundary.

Meeting DateCase NumberProject Description