Historic Structures Database
De Vighne/ Dapcevich House
Location: 505 Franklin Street
AHRS#: JUN-153
CBJ#: B-01
Parcel#: 1C070A240010
Year Built: circa 1913
Architectural Style: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Movements/ Craftsman
Architect/Contractor: unknown
Historic Name: De Vighne/ Dapcevich House
Historic Period: Territorial Gov
Historic Integrity: preserved
Neighborhood: Juneau Townsite
Date of Local Designation: Not Designated
Date of National Register Designation: Not Registered
Additional Information
This house measures 25'x 34'. It is one-and-one-half stories with a gable roof system that extends over a large full width glass enclosed porch, and a large inset shed dormer on front roofline. It has a full basement, concrete foundation. Built in a predominately Craftsman style, it is sided with wood shingles and has decorative wood shingle horizontal bands. Other features include side gables and a large inset shed dormer on front roofline. Triangular wood knee braces occur at roof/wall junction along the gable and shed dormer. First level features a grade entrance on 5th Street.
Historical InformationThe house was constructed for Dr. Henry C. DeVighne, physician and surgeon. Born in Havana, Cuba, DeVighne served as Commissioner of Health for the Territory, 1922-1933. He also was Secretary of the Alaska Board of Medical Examiners from 1914-1934 and the author of The Time of My Life and co-author of Pole Star.
Historic Useresidential
SourceJuneau Townsite Building Survey, City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, September 1988
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