Comprehensive Plan

The City and Borough of Juneau is accepting applications for a seat on the Advisory Committee (AC) for the Comprehensive Plan Update project.

What is the Comprehensive Plan?
The Comprehensive Plan is Juneau’s long-term guide for development and land use activities. The comprehensive planning process will capture the community’s vision, goals, and recommended actions.

What is the AC?
The AC will be a sounding board for key decisions and policy recommendations for the Plan update, on topics like land use, transportation, infrastructure, housing, utilities, and recreation.

Members will attend public events and every-other-month Committee meetings, either in-person or virtually, over the next two to three years. Members will act as champions of the Plan update in their community, organization, or area of influence to help build community consensus.

Who will be on the AC?
The AC is envisioned as a diverse body reflective of Juneau. Like Juneau, the AC should include people from multiple demographics, occupations and areas of expertise, and lived experiences.

How can I participate?
Applications are available online at the button below thrugh March 9. The Planning Commission will review applications and appoint members at their March 25th meeting.

CBJ Board Application

Instruction Note: In the online application, please select “other” in the Board, Commission, Committee list, and state your interest in the “Comp Plan AC” in the Reasons for Applying.

Individual Chapters