How do I…

Abandoned Vehicle Information

Vehicles left unattended that pose a public safety hazard are subject to being immediately impounded. Vehicle owners can be given a reasonable amount of time to move their vehicles, based on the discretion of the officer.

To reduce the possibility of getting impounded, JPD suggests that you contact Dispatch at (907) 586-0600 and let the dispatcher know what your plans are to move the vehicle. It is also a good idea to leave a note on the vehicle so responding officers will know when you plan on returning. Providing JPD with this information does not guarantee that your vehicle will not be impounded, but it will aid the officer in their decision as to whether your vehicle should be impounded immediately.

Vehicles left unattended on public property for over 48 hours are subject to being impounded as an “abandoned vehicle”.

JPD will not impound vehicles abandoned on private property. If a vehicle is abandoned on private property, a JPD Community Services Officer (CSO) can aid the property owner after the vehicle has been left for over 24 hours. The CSO will attempt to locate the vehicle owner and tell them to move the vehicle. If the vehicle’s registered owner is not located, or refuses to move the vehicle, the property owner will be referred to the Alaska Department of Motor Vehicles to start the 6 month forfeiture process. Even though the vehicle will not be impounded, the registered owner can still be issued a citation for abandoning a vehicle.

Animal Control and Protection

The Gastineau Humane Society handles all animal control and protection services.  Please refer to GHS for animal control and protection questions.  They can be reached directly at (907) 789-6997 or view their website for more information.

Bicycle Registration Program

The Juneau Police Department is partnering with community members to implement an online bicycle registration program. Bicycle owners can register their bikes at You may also download the free mobile phone application, 529Garage, to register your bicycles.  If a bicycle is lost, stolen, or found, the information from the bike registration can aid the police department in returning the bicycle to the rightful owner.

No program guarantees a 100% recovery rate.  The Juneau Police Department does not guarantee that your bicycle will be recovered by registering online.

This is just one tool used to help bicycle owners recover their property. The Juneau Police Department encourages people to use bike locks to deter theft of bicycles.

Car Seat Inspection Program

The Juneau Police Department offers free car seat inspections during the week by appointment only. This is a free inspection where Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will assist you and assess for proper car seat use, safety, and installation. Replacement seats may be available at minimum expense for those who qualify.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call Officer Jennifer Adams or Officer Kathy Underwood @ 586-0600.  Additional information is available online at or

Is your child in the right seat?

Infants Toddlers Youngsters
Weight Up to 20-35lbs Over 1 year and 20-40lbs Over 40lbs up to 65lbs
Height Follow Manufacturer’s Recommendations Follow Manufacturer’s Recommendations Up to 4’9″ tall
Type Infant only or rear-facing convertible Forward-facing/convertible Belt positioning booster
Position Rear-facing only Forward-facing Forward-facing
Notes Harness straps at or below sholder level Harness straps at or above sholder level Must be used with lap and sholder belt

Keep children rear facing as long as possible
Manufacturer weight/height limits may vary.

Citation Appeals

If you want to appeal a citation issued by the City and Borough of Juneau, you must fill out the Citation Appeal Request Form and submit it to the Citation Hearing Officer within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the citation.

You may submit the completed and signed form by:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fax: (907) 586-4568
  • Mail to: 
    Citations Hearing Officer
    155 S. Seward Street
    Juneau, AK 99801
  • Hand-Deliver: 
    CBJ Cash Office Window
    155 S. Seward Street
    Juneau, AK 99801

Questions: (907) 586-0660

File An Employee Commendation Or Complaint

JPD’s online commendation and complaint form allows you to submit employee commendations or complaints on line.

  • Employee Commendations – We want to hear all about the good things our employees are doing.  Please make sure to use this form for those things too!
  • Employee Complaints – The remainder of this page is designed to give you information about how to file a complaint regarding a JPD employee.  You should immediately bring your complaint to the attention of the Department by either requesting a supervisor at the scene of the incident or by calling the police non-emergency telephone number at 907-586-0600. A police supervisor will be notified of the complaint and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Or, at the bottom of this page is a form you may fill out and submit with your complaint. Include all details you remember, such as the employees’s name, the date, time and circumstances of the incident.

How will Your Complaint Be Investigated

Once the complaint is received, it will be assigned to a supervisor having authority over the employee who is the subject of the complaint for investigation.

If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, appropriate action will be taken. The final disciplinary decision is made by the Chief of Police after an extensive management review. Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator will send you a letter providing the results of the investigation.

What if You Are Not Satisfied With the Results of the Investigation?

The Department hopes that this will not happen. However, you may contact any of the following offices.

  • Police Chief’s Office 907-586-0676
  • City Manager’s Office 907-586-5240
  • Human Resources Director 907-586-5250
  • Mayor’s Office 907-586-5240

Responsibility – Ours and Yours

The Juneau Police Department takes all citizen complaints against our employees seriously. It is our responsibility to actively pursue investigations into employee misconduct. For this reason, you have the responsibility to ensure that your complaint is based on fact and that you have provided us with all of these facts to the best of your ability.

False reporting in an attempt to unjustly discipline or defame police personnel or to place their employment in jeopardy can result in criminal charges or a civil suit by the employee involved.

Identity Crime Investigation

Identity Crime is an emerging crime and can happen to anyone. With the popularity of on-line shopping and the frequent use of credit cards it can be frustrating for both the police and the victims of these crimes because the people committing these crimes are not always in the same area as the victim.  To help make reporting this crime easier for you the Juneau Police Department has developed a procedure that, we hope, will help streamline the process.

If you are a victim of identity theft and live within the City & Borough of Juneau and another law enforcement agency has not taken the report, call JPD!  Our officers will record criminal complaints of identity theft, provide you with necessary information to help restore your pre-crime status, provide you with copies of crime reports as required by state and federal law, and work with other law enforcement agencies as well as financial institutions to solve identity crime cases.

The International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) and the Bank of America have teamed up to provide toolkits to help you prevent identity crime and recover from it if you have been an unfortunate victim.

Additional information on “Protecting the real you, and only you” go to

Vehicle Impound Information

If your vehicle has been impounded by the Juneau Police Department, you should contact the Evidence/Property Unit by calling (907) 500-0827 between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday.  This is where you can get answers to your questions about vehicles that have been impounded.

You can also review our list of frequently asked questions:

If you are interested in obtaining a vehicle release, you must do the following:

  • You must be the registered or legal owner of the vehicle.
  • The vehicle must be currently registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  • You will need identification for yourself.
  • A vehicle release fee is required.  This fee must be paid in the form of cash, credit card, cashier’s check or money order, payable to the City & Borough of Juneau.

Current LIST OF FEES and release instructions

  • Towing/Release Fee: $270
  • Processing Fee: $25
  • Storage Fees: $12/Calendar Day
  • 72-Hour Hold: Some vehicles are held for minimum of 72 hours.  If the 72 hours end after business hours, on a weekend or a holiday, the vehicle will not be released until the next business day.
  • No vehicles will be released without the Juneau Police Department’s release form. Upon payment of fees, your form will be stamped with an expiration date. If you do not pick up your vehicle by the expiration date, additional storage fees will be required. You must pay the additional storage fees at the Juneau Police Department before your vehicle will be released.
  • Vehicles will be released during normal business hours:  Mon – Fri at 8:00am – 4:30pm (excluding holidays)
  • CALL CAPITAL TOWING (723-7660) to arrange for your vehicle pickup after you receive your release form from Juneau Police Department

The Juneau Police Department uses a private towing company to tow and release vehicles.  Once you have obtained a vehicle release you will need to call the towing company and make an appointment to pick up your vehicle.  Please note that  you must have a valid driver’s license or bring a licensed driver with you when you pick up the vehicle.

Other Resources


The Juneau Police Department requests the public’s assistance in providing information on the location of the individuals listed in the report. This list is prepared from public court records and contains active warrants issued by the Alaska State Court System in relation to Juneau Police Department cases.

If you know the recent whereabouts of a person listed in the report, please call the Juneau Police Department or your local law enforcement agency. DO NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS BY ATTEMPTING TO APPREHEND OR DETAIN THESE INDIVIDUALS.  All warrants must be confirmed in the Alaska Public Safety Information Network before an arrest is made.

If your name appears on the report and you would like to make arrangements to resolve this matter you can call JPD at (907) 586-0600 or your local law enforcement agency.

The publication of a name on this list does not mean that the person is guilty of the crime listed, only that there is a warrant on file.  The individuals listed are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.  This list is updated on a weekly basis.

  • Weekly JPD Warrants Report

The link below is for warrants issued on State of Alaska cases including all warrants issued by the District Attorney’s office on JPD cases. Go to the warrant list that ends with ‘csv’ and look for the warrants listed for theTrooper A Detachment (Southeast Alaska). A Detachment should be listed first or you can sort by that column.