Historic Structures Database
Kaher House 2
Location: 437 Seward Street
AHRS#: JUN-344
CBJ#: B-82
Parcel#: 1C070A180090
Year Built: circa 1901
Architectural Style: Other/ Juneau Folk
Architect/Contractor: unknown
Historic Name: Kaher House 2
Historic Period: Initial Development Era 1883-1911
Historic Integrity: altered
Neighborhood: Juneau Townsite
Date of Local Designation: Not Designated
Date of National Register Designation: Not Registered
Additional Information
This one-and-one-half story building has a side gabled roof and is a wood frame structure. It has a concrete foundation and is sided with horizontal wood channel lap siding with corner boards. It features a shed roofed enclosed entry porch and small gabled appendage on NW elevation.
Historical InformationThe houses at 423, 431, and 437 Seward Street as well as the house at 217 Fifth Street have been owned collectively and individually by various people through the years. They all appear on the 1901 tax rolls and the 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map. One long term owner was Joseph Kaher. Born in Austria, Kaher came to Valdez in 1898 and to Juneau in 1917. During his years in Juneau he acquired a great deal of rental property including these houses.
Historic Useresidential
SourceJuneau Townsite Building Survey, City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, September 1988
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