Project Background
In June 2019, Governor Dunleavy’s staff listed the Telephone Hill property as potentially excess to the SOA’s needs and potentially available for transfer from SOA to foster economic redevelopment. CBJ worked with the Dunleavy Administration and the Alaska Legislature, resulting in the authorization to transfer the property to CBJ during the 2022 Legislative session. Upon transfer of the land, CBJ began accepting proposals for the Telephone Hill Land Redevelopment Study from qualified consultants in order to study potential redevelopment options for the site and their future impact to Downtown Juneau.
Latest Updates
2/18/2025: RFI solicitation period closes. One response was received from Johnson & Carr.
12/17/2024: CBJ advertises a Request for Information (RFI) for development feasibility of Telephone Hill.
8/5/2024: The Juneau Assembly directs CBJ Staff to develop a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit additional information from possible developers to determine necessary financial assistance for future development.
6/3/2024: A total project cost estimate of $52 million is presented to the Juneau Assembly. CBJ Staff requests the Assembly consider and provide feedback on possible incentives to offer new development in order to provide affordable housing.
4/15/2024: CBJ Staff provides the Juneau Assembly with an updated cost estimate for site preparation work necessary to facilitate new development of $5 million. This estimate includes upgrading underground utilities, reconstruction of Dixon Street, demolition and establishing buildable parcels. Juneau Assembly motions to extend the downtown zero-parking zone to include Telephone Hill and not require development provide additional parking.
2/22/2024: Members of the project team attended a special Historic Resource Advisory Committee (HRAC) meeting to answer questions regarding the project and recent Assembly direction.
2/12/2024: CBJ Staff gives update to Juneau Assembly Committee as a Whole. The Juneau Assembly motions for continued design refinement of high-density housing development.
2/6/2024: NLURA completes a Cultural Resource Desktop Review of the Telephone Hill site and buildings.
12/08/2023: Telephone Hill Redevelopment survey is made available through 01/09/2024. (survey link:
11/29/2023: RESPEC completes a structural condition assessment report of the existing homes on Telephone Hill.
10/11/2023: Project team hosts a public engagement session to present design concepts for redevelopment.
8/26/2023: A project update is given at the Juneau Assembly Committee as a Whole.
7/26/2023: Project team hosts the first public open house to introduce the project and begin collecting public input.
6/14/2023: First Forty Feet’s contract is signed and project kick-off work begins.
3/10/2023: CBJ elects First Forty Feet out of Portland, OR to be the prime consultant in the study.
12/21/2022: CBJ begins soliciting for consultants to assist in redevelopment study