Jensen-Olson Arboretum

Plan a Visit

Jensen-Olson Arboretum (JOA)
23035 Glacier Highway
Juneau AK 99801

Free! Yes, admission to the arboretum is free. We hope you enjoy Caroline Jensen’s gift to the community!

Summer Hours:

  • Wednesday through Sunday
  • 9:00am – 5:00pm
  • April to September

Winter Hours:

  • Friday through Sunday
  • 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • October to March

Closed on holidays.

The Point Caroline Trail is always open.

There is a small parking lot off Glacier Highway. A short, accessible path leads from the parking lot to the arboretum.

A limited number of accessible parking spaces are available down the driveway.

JOA is a rustic arboretum; paths are gravel, lawn, stone, and beach rock. Benches are located throughout.

There are no indoor amenities or gift shop. One accessible vault toilet—the Lovely Loo—is available onsite.

The residence on the Arboretum grounds is occupied. Please respect their space and privacy.

When is the best time to visit? A tough question to answer because everyone wants to see something different. Crocuses, daffodils, and snowdrops appear in April. Primulas cover the grounds in May. Shrubs and other perennials show off in June and July. You will find the veggie garden is bountiful July through August and the fall colors glow September to October. Each season is uniquely beautiful!

Pets are not allowed on arboretum grounds per CBJ code (11 CBJAC 03.030(a)). However, they are welcome to enjoy the Point Caroline trail.

Please pick up after your pet.

The Point Caroline Trail begins at the arboretum parking lot and meanders through the native forest to a viewpoint of the Inside Passage. The 1/4 mile long trail is packed gravel with some formed steps. It is always open to the public.

The following rules, established by the Jensen-Olson Arboretum Advisory Board and Southeast Alaska Land Trust, must be adhered to by permittees to obtain a commercial use permit for the Jensen-Olson Arboretum.

  • Visitation is only permitted during operating hours, which are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.
  • No guided tours or guiding of visitors is allowed on Arboretum property. Drivers or guides may not accompany visitors onto the property; they must remain in the vehicle.
  • A maximum group size of 9 people may be dropped off for entry.
  • Commercial vehicles must park in the parking lot. Large coach-style buses are not allowed.

A fee of $3.50 per guided person on CBJ parkland shall be paid to the department by the 15th day of each month for the prior months use.

For more information on permits, fees, and to apply, visit the Commercial Use webpage.

Juneau’s Botanical Gem

The Jensen-Olson Arboretum is a gift to the City and Borough of Juneau from Caroline Jensen, a long-time resident and Master Gardener. One of Caroline’s passions was Primula, also known by their common name of primrose. The Arboretum houses the American Public Gardens Associations Plant Collections Networks nationally-accredited collection for the genus Primula. Some of the species seen here are rarely grown anywhere else in North America.

“The vision of the Arboretum is to provide the people of Juneau a place that both teaches and inspires learning in horticulture, natural sciences and landscaping – to preserve the beauty of the landscape for pure aesthetic enjoyment – to maintain the historical and cultural context of the place and its people.” — Caroline Jensen


The Jensen-Olson Arboretum features the Nationally Accredited Collection of Primula and is a certified Level II Arboretum.


Find out what’s happening at the Arboretum or reserve space for your own event!


For a deep dive into the history of the property, videos, field guide, and more, visit Friends of Jensen-Olson Arboretum.