Mendenhall River Flood After-the-Fact Permitting – A Guide for Home Repair
August 23, 2024 –
When is after the fact permitting allowed for home repair?
- After-the-fact permitting is allowed for home repair to address immediate threats to property and safety. Some examples include plumbing, electrical, and heating repairs.
- Many immediate home repairs, such as insulation and sheetrock repair, don’t require building permits.
- Electrical repair typically requires a building permit. However, after the flood emergency, the Community Development Department Building Division allows property owners to proceed with the work to make the residence safe and to set up temporary means of providing electricity. Once things are safe, a permit will be required.
- If your home or structure is in the Mendenhall River mapped floodplain or floodway, you may also need a Floodplain Development Permit. It’s best to check on the floodplain permit in advance, because a floodplain permit might trigger other requirements for the work that need to be addressed upfront.
What are the permit requirements?
- Contact the Community Development Department Building Division at (907) 586-0767, and request to speak with a building inspector. The inspector can inform you about whether a building permit is needed.
- If your home or structure is in the Mendenhall River mapped floodzone, you may need a Floodplain Development Permit before proceeding. If your damage exceeds 50 percent of the market value of your home, additional building standards may apply, such as elevating the home about the Base Flood Elevation or removing it entirely from the floodway. Double-check before doing the work.
- Not sure if you need a Floodplain Development Permit? Contact Teri Rehfeldt, Senior Planner, CFM, at [email protected] or (907) 586-0753 extension 4129.
How do I apply for building and floodplain permits, and where do I find the forms?
- For the building permit, if windows are being replaced, a floor plan showing the use of the room in which the window is being replaced will be needed. If no other architectural or structural changes are being made, no further submittals are required for residential work.
- For the Floodplain Development Permit, please submit the Development Permit Application and Floodplain Development Permit Application forms.
- These forms are available online at the CDD Permit Center Applications page and may be submitted to [email protected].
How long will after-the-fact permitting be allowed?
- The window for after-the-fact permitting is limited and will close within a few months.
- The closure of the window will be determined by CBJ and will be publicly announced. After this announcement, permits must be obtained before work begins.
I still have questions. Who can I call?
- For building permit questions, contact the Building Official at (907) 586-0767 extension 4137.
- For Land Use Code, bank stabilization, and flood zone questions, contact Teri Rehfeldt, Senior Planner, CFM, at [email protected] or (907) 586-0753 extension 4129.