Mendenhall Valley Flood Donations and Volunteer Options
The State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management shared the following press release:
Mendenhall Valley Flood Donations and Volunteer Options
System established to help identify and meet needs of flood survivors
The United Way of Southeast Alaska has established an online form that will enable those impacted by the August 5 Mendenhall Valley flood to identify disaster related needs such as food, clean up kits, and volunteers to help with muck out, clean up or debris removal. The online form also enables volunteers to identify and offer donations of goods and volunteer labor. Alaska Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (AKVOAD), a coalition of volunteer aid organizations, will use this information to help match offered donations and volunteers with the flood survivors.
AKVOAD members have been active in the ongoing Mendenhall Vally Flood emergency response effort. Cash donations are one of the most effective ways to help disaster survivors. Cash donations are the most flexible way to assist with the unique needs of impacted residents now and in the future.
New or gently used household goods such as linens and small appliances can be donated to The Salvation Army Juneau Thrift Store, located at 500 W. Willoughby Avenue. Clothing is not needed by disaster survivors at this time.
Request Assistance – Mendenhall Valley Flood Survivors
Offer of Volunteer Support
Juneau Community Foundation: https://www.juneaucf.org/fund/mendenhall-flood-relief-fund/
The Salvation Army (Juneau): https://giveak.salvationarmy.org/give/509306/#!/donation/checkout
American Red Cross of Alaska: https://www.redcross.org/local/alaska/ways-to-donate.html
Team Rubicon (volunteer or donate): https://www.teamrubiconusa.org