Design & Construction
Runway Safety Area (RSA) Projects
“RSA Projects” is an umbrella title covering several sub-projects:
- Pond Dredging
- Runway Safety Area Project
- Runway and Taxiway Extension
- Northeast Development Area
- Northwest Development Area
- Duck Creek Relocation
- Dike Trail Realignment
Please see the Project Overview Map (at right) for the locations of these sub-projects. All of the projects are based on the FAA’s July 2007 Final Environmental Impact Statement and its Record of Decision. The environmental documents are on the Juneau International Airport website under “Documents.” The permits are also online (available below).
The contract for project construction has been awarded to Alaska Interstate Construction LLC. PND has been selected as Construction Administration and Inspection consultant. Carson Dorn will assist with permit compliance. DOWL HKM with subconsultants Moffatt & Nichol and Morris Engineering Group will provide design assistance during construction.
Float plane pond dredging and related improvements at Juneau International Airport will serve several purposes:
- Provide material for other Runway Safety Area sub-projects;
- Reduce weed problems which foul float plane water rudders and attract wildlife;
- Provide additional float plane mooring space;
- Enhance accessibility for emergency equipment to the southerly portion of the airport and the adjacent wetlands;
- Provide better ramps for placing and retrieving float planes.
The design was done in consultation with the Airport Board’s Wildlife Hazard Advisory Committee. Considerable effort was put into retaining vistas from the trail, trees and other features that concern trail users and others. As of March 2009, the design is 99% completed. See the latest available draft Sheet Nos. C2, C3 and C4 of the plans for details. Some design features may change before the plans are ready for bid.
The dredge may be working on the pond for two seasons beginning late Summer 2009, but it is the intent of the Airport that the pond remain open for floatplane operations throughout construction.
The Airport Dike Trail Trail is one of the most popular trails in Juneau. The Airport’s Runway Safety Area Improvements project will extend the runway safety area toward the Mendenhall River which will require that the Dike Trail be relocated more than 200 feet to the west. The floatplane pond access road will also be moved west.
- Draft of Plan Sheet No. 31 (large file) – The Mendenhall River is at the top. The existing trail is shown with dashed lines. The proposed runway safety area is shown with lines marked “RSA.”
- Draft of Plan Sheet No. 32 (large file) – This shows the area north of the runway and west of the existing Dike Trail access road. The Mendenhall River is at the top. This entire area will be filled to provide for expansion of airport facilities. The Duck Creek channel and floodplain will be relocated, improved and landscaped through this area. The relocated Dike Trail will cross over the relocated creek on a new weathering steel pedestrian bridge spanning the width of the floodplain. A new paved parking area for Dike Trail users will be constructed on the south side of the road near the Mendenhall Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The constructed route of the new Dike Trail may be slightly different than shown in the interest of saving trees and other features that hopefully will make the north end of the trail a more natural experience.
All this work will require that the Dike Trail be closed from time to time in the interest of public safety. The Airport intends that such closures be for as short a time as possible. Between closures, the Airport intends to provide access over temporary trail across the construction site. Advance notice of closures, when known, will be provided on the Airport website and at the trailhead.
When the project is completed, the Airport Dike Trail will be longer than before. Additional trail improvements such as public restrooms and “sitting spots” near the north end are in the planning stages.
Lead Design Consultant for this project is DOWL HKM with subconsultants Moffatt & Nichol and Morris Engineering Group providing specialty design services. Carson Dorn, Inc., is providing permitting services.
City and Bourough of Juneau permits:
- Northwest Development
- Northeast Development
- Fill in Mendenhall River Setback
- Grade Wetlands Near Mendenhall River
- Relocate Duck Creek
Alaska Department of Fish and Game permits:
- Runway Safety Area
- Duck Creek Relocation
- Jordan Creek Culverts
- Jordan Creek Culverts, Amendment 1
- Jordan Creek Culverts/MALSR Lights, Amendment B
- MALSR Lights
- Duck Creek Access Road
- Duck Creek Culvert and Fence
Alaska Department of Natural Resources permits:
- Cover Letter
- Comments 1/2
- Comments 2/2
- Conveyance Diagram
- Contingency Agreement
- Final Finding
- Easement Survey Instructions
- Final Decision
- Easement Letter
- Early Entry Permit
- Early Entry Permit – MALSR
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation permits:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permits:
Lead Design Consultant for this project is DOWL HKM with subconsultants Moffatt & Nichol and Morris Engineering Group providing specialty design services. Carson Dorn, Inc., is providing permitting services.
- Recon Geotech Report, Floatplane Pond
- Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Foundation Recommendations
Lead Design Consultant for this project is DOWL HKM with subconsultants Moffatt & Nichol and Morris Engineering Group providing specialty design services. Carson Dorn, Inc., is providing permitting services.