Parks and Rec Projects
Cope Park Bike Skills Park
Budget: $5,000
Contractor: SJS Excavation, CBJ Parks & Recreation COVID-19 Conservation Corps and JMBA volunteers
Estimated Completion: 09/25/2020

Project Overview
CBJ Parks & Recreation has an agreement to partner with the Juneau Mountain Bike Alliance (JMBA) to develop, build and maintain bike trails and features throughout Juneau. The Cope Park Bike Skills Park is the first proposed project under this agreement. A public meeting was held on January 30, 2020 to solicit public input on this proposal. For the project to be constructed, the next step is for JMBA to fund raise, hire a designer, and find volunteers for the construction.
UPDATE 8/21/2020: Construction for the bike skills park at Cope Park is starting early next week, weather dependent. In partnership with JMBA, the track will be built in the wooded area by Gold Creek incorporated within the forest. One tree is slated to be removed. The area will be closed to the public during construction, which should take about two weeks.