
  • General business articles
  • Designed specifically for business schools and libraries, provides information in nearly every area of business including management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more.

  • Search and browse legal forms specific for the state of Alaska, from Adoption to Workers Compensation
  • All forms are printable, and many can be customized or filled out on a computer
  • Look up legal definitions, find local tax forms, and follow links to useful outside sources

  • An online library of instructional videos and full courses in photography, marketing, audio, finance, web design, and much more
  • Includes software instruction for Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress, and more
  • Track your course progress and print certificates of completion after finishing a class
  • If using the LinkedIn Learning mobile app, our library code is :  jplak

  • Search 75 U.S. business journals and newspapers.
  • Emphasis on local and regional business news.
  • Wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas.
  • Including a help and advice section, start-up information and how to create business plans that lead to successful funding.
  • Archived video of lectures from the Faculty at Harvard Business School complete with accompanying slides and notes.
  • The same great resource as the print booklets, plus more!
  • Using experts' analysis, data, and tools, Value Line creates a ranking system to evaluate investment options.
  • New data is added weekly, updating 130 stocks and companies.
  • Survey includes 1,700 major companies and 1,800 small and mid-cap companies.

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