CBJ Unveils Interactive Online Map of Vacant and Underdeveloped Properties in Juneau
The CBJ Community Development Department has developed and released an interactive inventory map of vacant and underdeveloped properties in the City and Borough of Juneau. The map is available online on the CDD’s special projects website.
The inventory map is the newest tool in CBJ’s ongoing work to reduce barriers to residential development and expand housing opportunity in Juneau. This GIS map allows the public—including developers, nonprofits, and individual residents—to easily identify buildable land, view zoning information, and understand potential challenges to development.
The map identifies three categories of vacant and underdeveloped land: vacant land that is privately owned, vacant land that is owned by CBJ Lands and Resources, and properties that are currently developed at a level below the maximum allowable housing density.
The map also offers insight into common questions and areas of concerns in developing property, including zoning density, hazard risks, wetlands, flood zones, and steep slopes. Users can select from a variety of map layers in these categories in order to see how they coincide with property parcels.
Users exploring the map may notice that a significant portion of Juneau’s buildable land is privately held. CBJ encourages and incentivizes residential development of privately held land through a variety of programs including the Affordable Housing Fund, grants for accessory apartment development and mobile home down payments, and several tax abatement programs.
Developers may also use the map to identify CBJ-held land for potential development. Individuals interested in purchasing CBJ land are encouraged to review information about the parcels of interest in the CBJ Land Management Plan and then apply to purchase. For questions, contact the Lands & Resources Division at (907) 586-5252.