Juneau Pools will offer a new session of swim lessons in all categories—preschool, youth, adult, and Parent & Tot—beginning in February. Registration opens Friday, February 14 at noon through the Parks & Rec registration catalog (click on the “Juneau Pools” tab). Registrations will not be taken over the phone, in …
Are you intrigued by the idea of competing in a multisport race—but intimidated by the length of a full triathlon? Do you enjoy sports more when you’re part of a team? Then this is your chance to give multisport racing a tri! CBJ Parks & Recreation is partnering with Aukeman …
The Regular Assembly Meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, February 3, in the City Hall Assembly Chambers will include a public hearing on the proposed ordinance to establish an LID for the HESCO barrier flood mitigation project. For those living in the LID area, please be aware that the …
With heavy snow in the streets, CBJ Streets & Fleet Maintenance would like to share some information and reminders about winter snow removal in Juneau. CBJ Streets crews maintain over 250 lane miles of roads, using 6 motor graders, 4 loaders, 6 sand trucks, and 13 plow trucks. Each winter, …
The City and Borough of Juneau regrets to announce the postponement of our Safe Streets 4 All Open Houses scheduled for February 4, 5, and 6. We hope to resume the open houses when it is prudent to do so. Safe Streets 4 All is a federally funded grant program …
Looking forward to the new skate park at Jackie Renninger? The conceptual master plan for Jackie Renninger Park is now complete, thanks to public involvement guiding the process to meet neighborhood and community needs. The next step is the conceptual design for a new skate plaza and covered skate park. …
With freezing temperatures forecast in the coming days, now is a critical time to take important preventive steps to keep your water pipes from freezing. Water pipes that are not properly insulated or maintained are at risk of freezing and/or bursting—an event that could leave you without running water as …
The City and Borough of Juneau invites all community members to participate in our comprehensive roadway study and safety action plan. We would like to hear about your experiences on Juneau roads, and where we can provide the most impactful solutions to high priority areas. CBJ has generously been awarded …
Parks & Recreation is opening summer shelter reservations on Monday, January 27 at 8 a.m. Summer shelter reservations are available April 15 – September 15 and cost $30 per hour plus tax. Reservations can be made online under the Reservation tab. Summer shelter reservations can also be made in person starting January 27 …
The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is updating their 2012 Hazard Mitigation Plan. CBJ has invited Tlingit & Haida (T&H) to join in the planning, process making this a multi-jurisdictional plan meeting both local and Tribal FEMA requirements. When approved, the jurisdictions will be eligible to apply for funding …