Voices of the Wilderness Artist-In-Residency Retrospective through April 23rd, 2022
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Voices of the Wilderness Artist-In-Residency Retrospective
(On display through April 23rd, 2022)
The City Museum partnered with the US Forest Service to mount a show featuring artwork by former participants of the Voices of the Wilderness program who spent their residency in the Kootznoowoo Wilderness and the Tracy Arm Ford’s Terror Wilderness in the Tongass National Forest. The Voices of the Wilderness Artist-In-Residency program is sponsored by the US Forest Service, National Park Service, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Artists who participate in this program are paired with a wilderness specialist during the months of June, July and August, and are actively engaged in projects which foster both artistic exploration and stewardship of America’s public lands.
Image: "Endicott Undercurrent," (oil on linen) by Kathy Hodge a 2014 VOW Artist-In-Residency at Ford's Terror, Endicott Arm in the Tongass National Forest.