Gastineau Channel Memories

King, Alice Devlin & Nicholas

Frank Cashen

Alice Devlin, originally from Ireland and Nicholas King, originally from Germany were married in 1876, and had three children born in California: Mamie, Sarah, and John. Two more girls were born in Alaska: Alice and Catherine.

Nick King first came to the Treadwell Mines in 1884. After Treadwell had purchased the property in 1884, he went to California looking for experienced miners. He hired Nick and his brother Mike and sent them north to help set up a small stamp mill. When it went into operation, Nick was appointed foreman of the mill. He worked the day shift and his brother Mike worked the night shift. Later when the 700 stamp millwas organized, Nick became foreman of that mill.

Nick did not bring his family with him in 1884. The brothers stayed at Treadwell for three years before returning to California. After several months, Nick returned to Douglas to build a home for his family. The rest of the family arrived in Alaska in 1888. His brother Mike stayed in California.