Gastineau Channel Memories

Mitchell, Dace Bolyan

Clyde E. Bolyan

Dace was born in 1928 in Yugoslavia and came to America in 1937 along with her brother, Lawrence. She also was adopted by George and Helen Bolyan and spent her formative years in Cobol and the Juneau-Douglas area. Dace received her education by Calvert correspondence courses from the U. of Nebraska. She graduated on stage in 1945 from Juneau High. The war ended and Dace went to the U. of Nebraska receiving her BS degree and on to medical school in Omaha. In 1951, she married Robert Mitchell, who was a medical student also. They interned and did their residency in Omaha. They each accepted positions at the U. of California in San Francisco in 1955, each receiving the rank of Professor at the U. of California Medical Center. Dace spent two summers of her internship at the Sitka Native Hospital. The Mitchells have four children and are both retired and live in the San Francisco area.