Digital Bob Archive
Juneau Clerks Reach Agreement on Store Hours
News of the Gold Camp - 12/18/1980
MARCH 17, 1900-Word has been received here that Melville C. Brown has been nominated for Alaska?s United States District Judge, to succeed Judge C. S. Johnson who has resigned to practice law at Nome. Mr. Brown is a native of the State of Maine and a present resident of Wyoming. At an early age he engaged in mining and merchandising in California, then moved to Idaho Territory where he served as a member of the territorial legislature and as assessor of internal revenue. More recently he has practiced law at Laramie, Wyoming, and served as the town?s first mayor.
For the past several days old Mount Juneau has been roaring like a lion, with great avalanches of boulders, snow and ice rolling down the steep slopes.
MARCH 31, 1900-Manager Ed Webster of the Juneau and Douglas Telephone Company is pushing the work of rewiring the city with the latest improvement in telephone cable and will be ready to move ?Central? to a new location in a few days.
The Juneau Brewing Company has started the construction of a large addition to its old building on Main Street. A large ice machine will arrive soon for installation in the new section.
W. W. Casey has brought in several Jersey cows and doubled the capacity of his Chicken Ridge Dairy. He recently purchased the dairy from H. F. Lewis.
APRIL 7, 1900-The Juneau Clerk?s Association has concluded an agreement with local merchants regarding closing hours. The agreement provides for an 8 p.m. closing of the stores every night except Saturday. D. A. Epstein is president of the association and Allen Shattuck is secretary.
APRIL 14, 1900-The Snow Company of Players will present ?The Tragedy? at the Opera House Theater on Wednesday evening. The cast will include Mr. and Mrs. George T. Snow, their children, Monte and Crystal Snow, J. A. Snow, F. H. Giles, C. H. Gibbons and Miss Maude Gibbons.
John G. Price, Alaska?s unofficial delegate to Congress, is expected to return next week from Washington where he has been working for the passage of a new civil code and for enactment of a law giving Alaska an official delegate. Price was born in Iowa and later practiced law in Colorado and has received support from the delegation of those two states.