Digital Bob Archive
Oddfellows Organize Local Lodge
News of the Gold Camp - 12/04/1980
4 December 1980
FEBRUARY 11, 1899-The event of the season will be the Bachelor?s Ball to be given at the Opera House on Valentine?s Day. Supper will be served following the dance.
FEBRUARY 18, 1899-Winter and Pond will open a branch photo studio at Douglas on February 22. They will do portrait work in the latest carbon finish as well as other general photography.
The Juneau Delicatessen is now serving a full dinner, goose or chicken, complete with plum pudding, from 4 until 7 p.m., at 50 cents a plate.
FEBRUARY 25, 1899-The Methodist Episcopal Church has rented the old Peniel Mission Hall in Douglas and will hold regular services on Tuesday evenings at 8 and Scandinavian services on Friday evenings at 8. The Rev. C. J. Larson, the pastor, also holds Scandinavian services at Juneau at the Northern Light Presbyterian Church on Sundays at 3 p.m.
On March 1 the long established firm of Koehler & James will change its name to S. Blum & Company. The firm is one of the first established in Juneau and came here in the spring of 1881 as the Northwest Trading Company which built a log store building at the corner of Second and Seward Streets. Karl Koehler and Edmund James were employees of the company, which also had a cannery at Chilkat, a herring plant at Killisnoo and several other trading stores. When the Northwest Trading Company got into financial difficulties in 1885, Koehler and James took over the local store and have operated it ever since, with branches in Douglas and Seward City.
John A. Mays and Napoleon Consolation have leased the New York Exchange and will run a first class resort.
MARCH 11, 1899-Silver Bow Lodge No. 2, Improved Order of Odd Fellows, will start meeting in April in the Elks Hall on Seward Street, between Third and Fourth Streets.
A YMCA has been organized here and its first board of directors consists of the Rev. Loyal Wirt, the Rev. H. J. Gurr, B. M. Behrends, the Rev. L. F. Jones, J. H. McWatters, John G. Heid, the Rev. J. B. Denny and J. H. Insley.
MARCH 18, 1899-The first annual ball given by Hose Company No. 1 of the Juneau Fire Department was held at the Opera House on St. Patrick?s night and was an unqualified success.