Digital Bob Archive
Douglas Gets Weekly Newspaper of Its Own
News of the Gold Camp - 12/01/1980
OCTOBER 26, 1898-A new term of the district court will be held at Wrangell. Juneau is in great need of having its court house rebuilt, as most of the litigation in Alaska is in this immediate vicinity.
The Alaska Beer Hall serves free clam chowder daily after 11 a.m.
The 100-stamp mill on the Ready Bullion is expected to start up on November 1.
The Juneau & Douglas Telephone Company has received a new and larger submarine cable, made by J. A. Roebling & Company of San Francisco. The cable will run across the channel in a few days to provide telephone service between Juneau and Douglas.
NOVEMBER 2, 1898-Work on the congregational church at Douglas is going forward rapidly and the building should be ready for use by December 1.
Ex-governor A. P. Swineford, accompanied by his wife and daughter, arrived on the City of Topeka. They plan to make their home in Alaska.
NOVEMBER 9, 1898-A new placer gold discovery is reported to have been made on Porcupine Creek and McKinley Creek near the Dalton Trail about 40 miles from Haines Mission. Several of our residents have gone up to investigate.
The new brewery at Douglas is ready to start operations.
NOVEMBER 16, 1898-A weekly newspaper, the Douglas Island News, has started up across the channel. The plant was brought up from Wrangell where it was used to publish the Wrangell News, now defunct. A. G. McBride and Charles A. Hopp are the publishers, with Mr. Hopp as editor.
A plumbing shop will soon open in the Miller and MacKinnon Building at Third and Franklin Streets.
NOVEMBER 23, 1898-A free reading room and library has been fitted up in the Congregational Hall in Juneau. W. L. Whitaker is in charge.
DECEMBER 7, 1898-Alfred L. Smith has the contract to carry the winter mail to the Yukon and will leave this week for Dyea with a thousand pounds of mail and two seven-dog teams. He expects to go all the way to the Tanana River.
Mr. Behrends? new bank building, next to his store on Seward Street, is ready for occupancy.
Lockie MacKinnon and Fritz Miller are breaking in a dog team preparatory to making a trip to Atlin over the Taku Trail.