Digital Bob Archive

Planking Upgrades Downtown Streets

News of the Gold Camp - 11/10/1980

MAY 5, 1897-Ejectment suits will be commenced in about three weeks by A. Goldstein against all persons claiming lots within the external boundaries of the Bonanza lode claim on the western side of the townsite.

Tuesday night at Douglas the committee in charge of the reading room gave an entertainment at the old Bear?s Nest boarding house for the benefit of its fund.

The Columbus Saloon has opened in the building formerly occupied by George Apple as a tin shop. George has gone to the Clondyke.

The Kerry Lumber Company has purchased the Robert Purves sawmill at Douglas and will continue to operate it as in the past, including the retail outlet in Juneau.

The Opera House management announces that no more family entertainments will be given unless there are guaranteed ticket sales sufficient to cover expenses.

MAY 12, 1897-Ed Margery, electrician, and his family returned on the Al-ki after an absence of four years. He will succeed A. B. Cone as superintendent of the Alaska Electric Light & Power Company. He installed the first electric light plant in Alaska a dozen years ago.

MAY 17, 1897-Main Street between Front and Second and Third Street between Franklin and Gold are now being planked.

John Olds is preparing to build a 10-room residence on Fourth Street between Seward and Main.

W. P. Ellingen, proprietors of Juneau?s cigar factory, and his wife are leaving for Dawson City where he plans to get in on the ground floor in the cigar business. R. J. Sullivan is taking over the cigar factory here.

The Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Company shipped $38,996 in bullion in a 31-day period from 20,405 tons of ore milled.

MAY 29, 1897-A. B. Cone, formerly with Alaska Electric Light & Power Co., is now in charge of the light plant at Sheep Creek.

A subscription is now being taken up to place a large American flag at the highest point of Mount Juneau.
P. S. Early has gone south to purchase a mill for the Aurora Borealis mining claim at Yankee Basin.