Digital Bob Archive

New Hospital to be Built in Douglas

News of the Gold Camp - 10/08/1980

DECEMBER 7, 1895-A site has been selected for the new hospital to be built by the Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Company on the island. It will be located a short distance above the Bear?s Nest boarding house.

The Opera House vaudeville company has been strengthened by the arrival of several well known artists on the Willapa. They include William McCall, Irish comedian; Kitty and Josie King, song and dance artists; Lydia Purdy, balladist, and Pearl Nobel, who poses in historical pictures.

DECEMBER 14, 1895-Rev. Alexander Yaroshevitch, priest of the Russian Church at Kenai, will transfer to Juneau in the spring in place of Rev. Ivan Bortnovsky, who will move to Kenai.

The Ebner Gold Mining Company has been incorporated with William Ebner as president, C. W. Young as vice president, and B. M. Behrends, secretary and treasurer. Capital stock is placed at $500,000.

Jeweler Emery Valentine has made some handsome pins for members of the Yukon Order of Pioneers which has its headquarters at Forty Mile. He will send them in with the first party going over the pass.

DECEMBER 21, 1895-Wright and Reynolds have run 215 feet of crosscut tunnel on the Treasure Box mine above Salmon Creek this winter.

James Smith and J. G. Heid who own a group of claims near the head of Windfall Creek are making plans to cut a stamp mill of the property.

DECEMBER 28, 1895-The Christmas tree at the Friends Mission in Douglas will be long remembered by the many children who attended.

Willis Nowell, superintendent of the Berners Bay Mining company left yesterday for Boston on vacation. His brother, F. D. Nowell, is taking his place at the mine.

The boxing contest at the Opera House Christmas evening between Martin Wolstad and Dan Sanders was well attended. Sanders won by a knockout in the second round.

There will be a New Year?s ball at the Opera House and it is expected to outshine anything yet seen in Juneau. The Grand march will start at 11 p.m.

A 100-foot tunnel and 50 feet of upraise have been completed at the Ready Bullion on Douglas Island and work has now commenced on a shaft. It is expected that still another mill will be erected on this property.