Digital Bob Archive

Contract Let for Government School

News of the Gold Camp - 10/07/1980

NOVEMBER 20, 1895-The wagon road in upper Sheep Creek Basin has been chopped through to the upper end of the brush line and grading along the hillside has now commenced. All the mine owners have joined in the work which is necessary if development of the mines is to continue.

B. M. Behrends has received a shipment of salmon bellies from William Raymond at Bartlett Bay.

A contract has been let to drive 300 feet of tunnel on the Ready Bullion lode on Douglas Island.

NOVEMBER 27, 1895-Willis Thorp has disposed of the Takou Consolidated group of claims, the mill and the wire tramway to William Ebner for $40,000. The group consists of seven claims and the mill has 10 stamps. Mr. Ebner already owns the Dora lode claim on the other side of the valley and will operate both properties.

The Gospel Mission is holding services at the Log Cabin Church every night except Monday at 7:30.

George has been awarded the contract to build the Episcopal Church.

The Sisters of St. Ann plan to open a school soon in the old Bear?s Nest boarding house at Douglas.

The steam ferry Julia in making a landing at Newtown, Douglas Island, during the thick fog on Sunday evening ran under the wharf and broke off her smokestack. On passenger became excited and wanted to jump overboard but was prevented by an Indian who held onto his coat tails.

The Juneau laundry has replaced its steam power with an 18-inch Pelton wheel.

Phenomenally mild weather is being experienced. The snow line does not yet reach down to the timber line.

A contract has been let to build a government school building 31 by 55 feet, to contain both school room and teacher?s residence. It will stand between the Mexican and Treadwell mills.

DECEMBER 4, 1895-Hose Company No. 1 gave a Thanksgiving dance Wednesday evening. L. V. Winter and Jay Decker were in charge of the decorations and more than 100 people attended. About $90 was raised to be used in paying for the new hose cart.

The Ladies Guild of the Trinity Church will open a fair in Decker?s Hall on Friday evening and it will be carried on through Saturday.

Lockie MacKinnon returned on the Willapa from below having come out from Forty Mile by way of the mouth of the Yukon River.