Digital Bob Archive

Jailed Miner Excused From Jury Duty

News of the Gold Camp - 09/24/1980

MAY 9, 1895-John Timmins had been called as a juror for the present term of the District court in Juneau but has been excused by Judge Truitt as he is languishing in jail because of the recent shooting affray.

Harrison Bros. have purchased a 25-foot lot on Second Street and plan to build a bank building on it. Meanwhile, they have moved the bank from the location next door to Behrends store to new quarters and it is again open. Mr. Behrends has taken over the former bank location and is having a connecting doorway cut through from his store. He will use it for his men?s clothing department.

MAY 13, 1895-William Ebner will start up the Takou Consolidated mill tomorrow.

Karl Koehler is building a six-room house on Third Street at Gold and Frank Bennett, the barber, has leased it.

The New Zealand is the name of a new resort that opened Saturday night in the old court building on Second Street.

The Hub barber shop had three porcelain bath tubs installed this week. Laughlin & Forrest, formerly Straven & Laughlin, did the work.

MAY 16, 1895-Funeral services for Edgar Wilson were held at the Log Cabin Church today. Wilson, age 50, died at his trading post at Dyea where he had long been associated with John J. Healy in the business of outfitting miners bound for the Yukon by way of the Chilkoot Pass. He is survived by his wife and six year old son.

Work is moving ahead in the valley. The Juneau Mining Company has four teams hauling lumber to its millsite where a foundation 66 by 89 has been cleared to bedrock. A boarding house 28 by 60 feet is also being built there. Jack Arvey has 36 men at work at the Takou Consolidated where William Ebner is superintendent. A crew is also at work on the Bennett-Aurora mine, again under lease to Tunkle, Bonnifield and Lutes.