Digital Bob Archive

USS Pinta Returns After Extensive Overhaul

News of the Gold Camp - 06/03/1980

SEPTEMBER 26, 1889-Mike Bemish has opened a ?Free Lunch? house in the old Dave Martin building near the foot of Main Street and has on hand everything to satisfy the inner man.

Postmaster Coon has received word from the Post Office Department that Juneau has been made a money order office. The necessary forms will be here soon.

The Nowell Company now has all its buildings up, its air compressor working, and is in 106 feet on its tunnel to tap the gravels of Silver Bow Basin at a depth of 85 to 90 feet. The tunnel will be 2,600 feet long, 9 feet high and 10 feet wide.

OCTOBER 3, 1889-Mrs. Heppner?s art class held a reception and show in the studio over the W. F. Reed warehouse Tuesday afternoon. Most of the paintings were still lifes but there were some local scenics. Pupils include Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Buchman, Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. Olds, Mrs. Webster, Miss Olds and Miss Goldstein.

OCTOBER 10, 1889-W. Mulcahy, J. S. Shillaber and John Curry have each placed a street lamp in front on their respective places of business. There are now three streets lamps on Second Street, a great convenience to people who are out at night.

OCTOBER 17, 1889-The Eastern Alaska Mining & Milling Company 10-stamp mill in the Basin started up yesterday. The tramway is in fair working order and delivering ore to the mill. This is the first mill to be placed in Silver Bow Basin. Others are farther down Gold Creek.

The U. S. S. Pinta arrived yesterday direct from the Mare Island Navy Yard where she underwent an extensive overhaul. She is now in command of Captain Oscar W. Farenholt.

OCTOBER 24, 1889-About 25 men are now at work on the Treadwell Ditch and will continue as long as the weather permits. About two miles of ditch are yet to be built and it will not be completed until next season.

The Silver Bow Basin Mining Company has been organized to work the placer ground purchased last summer by Thomas S. Nowell in the Basin. The Webster mill will soon make a test run on ore from the Nowell lode claims in the upper Basin.

Last Saturday evening a post of the Grand Army of the Republic was organized in Juneau. It has been named Seward Post No. 36, in honor of William H. Seward, and it has 14 members so far. Membership is open to all those who fought with Union forces during the Civil War.