Assessor Office

Welcome to the Assessor Office

The Assessor Office is responsible for the discovery, listing and valuation of all taxable real and business personal property within the Borough in a fair and uniform manner in accordance with state law and borough code. The Assessor office also administers exemption programs as authorized by law.

Quick Links

Assessor’s Database
Parcel Viewer
Assessor Forms
Assessor FAQs

Contact Information

Assessors Office:    (907) 586-5215 ext. 4906

E-mail:                     [email protected]

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(except Municipal holidays)

Mailing Address
CBJ Assessor’s Office
155 Heritage Way, Rm 114
Juneau, Alaska 99801

Real Property Information

By definition Real Property (real estate) is land and improvements to land, such as buildings, structures and fixtures of any kind thereon.

Real Property falls into three major categories:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mobile Homes

Research Properties

You can use the Assessor’s Database to research properties within the Borough by:

  • Owner
  • Address
  • Parcel identification number
  • Legal description

Business Personal Property Information

Business personal property is composed of tangible assets, other than real property, held for use in a business. Taxable business personal property includes, but is not limited to, supplies, furniture, fixtures, vehicles, equipment, leasehold improvements, and rental furnishings.

About Your Business Personal Property Declaration and Assessment

The deadline for the declaration is January 31. Declarations received after the deadline are subject to a penalty of $10 per day up to 20% of taxes due. Once the return is submitted, the Personal Property Section will review the return, establish the assessed value, and notify the taxpayer. The Notice of Assessed Value states that an appeal must be filed within 30 days.  If you have any questions contact our office at (907) 586-5215 ext 4035.

Board of Equalizations (BOE) Resources

The Board of Equalization (BOE), acting in panels, shall only hear appeals for relief from an alleged error in valuation on properties brought before the board by an appellant.  This board meets occasionally and generally only during the months of May – August when appeals hearings have been set.

For more information regarding BOE, click here to be redirected to the Clerk’s Office page.


There are several types of property tax exemptions available:


  • Property used exclusively for nonprofit religious, charitable, cemetery, hospital, educational or community purposes. Initial application deadline is January 31 of the applicable year.
  • Organizations receiving a religious, charitable, cemetery or education exemption are not required to file annual certification with the Assessor’s office.
  • Organizations receiving a community purpose exemption are required to file an annual certification with the Assessor’s office on or before January 31 of each tax year. Find the appropriate forms here.


  • Up to $150,000 of the assessed value may be exempt for:
  • Property owned and occupied as the primary residence and permanent place of abode by a (Senior) resident 65 years of age or older or a resident at least 60 years old who is the widow or widower of a person who qualified as a Senior.
  • You must be eligible for a PFD under AS 43.23.005 for that same year or for the preceding year of which you are applying
  • Application deadline is March 31 of the applicable year.


  • Up to $150,000 of the assessed value may be exempt for:
  • Property owned and occupied as the primary residence and permanent place of abode by Disabled Veteran or a resident at least 60 years old who is the widow or widower of a person who qualified as a Disabled Veteran.
  • Unless you are considered 100% permanently disabled by the VA, you are required to apply every year by submitting an application and current VA letter
  • Application deadline is March 31 of the applicable year.


  • To qualify for the Hardship Exemption you must be;
  • Receiving the Senior Citizen/Disabled Veteran Exemption and
  • 2% of the gross household income must be less than your property tax liability. Gross household income includes all members of the household and includes taxable and nontaxable income.
  • Application deadline is on or before April 30.



  • Per CBJ 69.10.020(10) certain Real and Business Personal Property may be partially exempt when used in a manufacturing business.
  • Application deadline is on or before January 31



The 2025 Appeal Filing Deadline is April 1, 2025

The 2025 assessment notices were mailed out on March 3, 2025. The opportunity to review, discuss, correct errors or proceed to appealing your 2025 real property assessment runs for 30 days from that date. Refer to your assessment notice and this web page for important information regarding your valuation, appeal process and tax payments.

To obtain a petition for review form and instructions, go to Assessor Forms.

Note: If you have filed a petition for review with the Assessor’s Office and you have not been contacted to schedule a property inspection appointment, please call (907) 586-5215 ext 4906 to set-up an appointment. The Assessor’s Office will schedule a mutually agreeable time to inspect the appealed property.

The CBJ Assessor’s Office is located in City Hall, 155 Heritage Way Room 114. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. You may contact us by phone at (907) 586-5215 ext. 4906.