2024 Proposed Rate Increase Model

The CBJ Utility hired a contractor to conduct a comprehensive Rate Study in 2024. The rate study proposed the following rate increase schedule for residential flat rate customers, effective July 1, 2025. Rate adjustments would apply to all customers. Please note that as a public utility, any actual rate increases would require approval by the Assembly.

The table below shows one scenario that has been presented and is reflective of the Proposition 3 Bond passing during the October 2024 Municipal election. Other scenarios with lower rate increases do exist, specifically if the Utility takes on debt service to pay for projects. To view these scenarios, view the 2024 Rate Study Presentation below.

Example Scenario: Flat Rate Residential Customers

Effective Date Water % Water Bill Sewer % Sewer Bill Total Bill
Current (as of July 1, 2024) N/A $40.72/mo N/A $106.08/mo $146.80/mo
July 1, 2025 10.25% $44.89/mo 12.75% $119.61/mo $164.50/mo
July 1, 2026 10.25% $49.50/mo 12.75% $134.85/mo $184.35/mo
July 1, 2027 10.25% $54.57/mo 12.75% $152.05/mo $206.62/mo
July 1, 2028 10.25% $60.16/mo 12.25% $170.67/mo $230.83/mo
July 1, 2029 10.25% $66.33/mo 12.25% $191.58/mo $257.91/mo

Utilities Rate Study

The CBJ Utility contracted DOWL and FCS to conduct a rate study during 2024. On August 5, 2024, the results of that rate study were presented at the CBJ Assembly Public Works & Facilities Committee (PWFC) meeting as an action item.

Utilities Rate Study Presentation – 2024
8/5/2024 PWFC Meeting Minutes
12/19/2024 Public Meeting FAQ Document

Proposition 3 – General Obligation Bond

The General Obligation Bond currently in front of voters on the 2024 Municipal Election ballot to reconstruct the Juneau Douglas Wastewater Treatment Plant could have an effect on Utility Rates. Passage of the bond to cover significant deferred maintenance needs would reduce the amount of rate increase necessary to maintain Utility services and facilities. Learn more about the clarifier building and the ballot proposition below:

Proposition 3 FAQ


Utilities Rate Study – 2003

The 2003 rate study recommended a rate increase of 19% for water and 39% for sewer in 2004, with additional, somewhat smaller increases between 2005 and 2012. CBJ rate increases during this period fell short of the recommended increases – for example, the 2004 sewer increase was closer to 25% instead of 39%.

Utilities Rate Study – 2014

The 2014 rate study recommended a rate increase of 9.5% for water and sewer for three consecutive years, with additional funding collected through a revenue bond in 2017. From 2016 – 2018, rate increases were close to recommended changes but fell slightly short. From 2019 onward, CBJ rate increases fell significantly short of the recommended increase, including no increases at all in 2019 when a 6-7% increase was recommended.

Historical Rate Information


The CBJ Utility and the Utilities Advisory Board are interested in your feedback regarding the Rate Study and the proposed rate increases. Please submit feedback via the form below.

Provide Feedback

If you have questions not answered here, please reach out to CBJ Utilities staff at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 907-586-0393 option 0

Frequently Asked Questions

The CBJ water and sewer system is large and complex. Although CBJ has placed an emphasis on maintaining our infrastructure, much of which has performed past its useful lifespan, there are areas and equipment that require updating or replacement. Costs associated with proper ongoing maintenance of facilities and systems have also increased over the past several years.

Previous rate studies have recommended larger rate increases that were not fully adopted by previous City Assemblies, which has left the Utility in a revenue deficit. Although the Utility has ensured that funding is available for critical maintenance and repair needs, reduced revenue overall has resulted in a significantly increased deferred maintenance backlog.

Raising rates now will allow the Utility to invest in critical repairs and replacements for both the water and wastewater systems in Juneau. This will ensure properly maintained, hygienic, and safe water & sewer systems for CBJ residents in the coming decades.

The proposed rate increase would be applied equally to all customer types for both water and wastewater.

Utility Rates are determined by the City Assembly and become effective through adopted CBJ Ordinance.

The CBJ utility is an enterprise fund – that is, it is self-supporting. Outside of any special funding (i.e. grants, bonds, loans), the ratepayer provides funding that covers the full cost of running the city’s large and intricate water and wastewater systems. This includes capital improvement projects, major facility upkeep, operational costs, and salaries.