Gastineau Channel Memories

Sperling, Bill

Harry, Mary, David & Bill Sperling


Although I do not hold the distinction of being an Alaskan Pioneer under today?s description, I do hold the distinction of having been born at St. Ann?s Hospital in Juneau. The real memories of my childhood began at 530 West 10th and C Streets (considered the ?tide flats? in those days) in a yellow house kitty-corner from the Grummets, next door to the Ramsey?s on the left and the Satres on the right. I loved my parents and became influenced by their good judgment and talents. The neighborhood kids played hide and seek, kick the can, spin the bottle and wars...wars that included wooden weapons that were as real to us as our imagination would allow.

My school years from grade school to high school were absolutely wonderful. I had my favorite teachers that I loved dearly, wonderful and tragic love affairs with broken hearts and uncontrollable emotions. I endeavored in music with my trumpet, played basketball throughout both grade and high school, captain of the band, junior class president and contest winner of the Jr. Scholastic Magazine in the 5th grade. During those years, tragedy struck our family with the loss of my mother in 1948, and the loss of my father in 1950. I was a member of the 1950 All Alaska Basketball Team that was, I?m sure, the crowning glory of my yesteryears. I graduated from J-Hi in 1950. Subsequent years put me three years at the U. of Oregon, two years in the Army at Fort Richardson (53- 55). Residence in Anchorage working the hotel circuits and sign painting business with a departure in 1964 for the NY World Fair. Worked the fair for two summers, met my future lovely wife, Catherine, stayed in NY and married in 1969. The management of hotels became my profession, which I practiced until my retirement in 1993. I lost Catherine to cancer in March of 1993, moved to Seattle in 1994 and reside here at 10646 Glen Acres Dr. So., Seattle, WA 98168, phone 206-431-8227 (email: [email protected]).

I do a lot of water-color painting as a hobby (along with oils and acrylics), travel extensively to Europe, play a wicked game of golf and cribbage and tinkle on my piano attempting to keep my musical background alive. I visit Juneau non-too frequently and am getting to that age where I turn to the back page of the Alaskan magazines looking at the ?End of the Trail? names.