Gastineau Channel Memories

Reid, Lloyd & Dalpha

Barbara Reid Swanson

My father, Lloyd Reid, was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, on October 28, 1908. He left Kentucky when he was 3 years old, heading west. He ended up in Klamath Falls, Oregon. My mother Dalpha Reid was born in Blaine, California, on June 13, 1914. As it worked out, Lloyd ended up working at Dalpha?s father?s ranch in Klamath Falls, Oregon. They were married there in 1929. In 1930, they had a son, Bud, and in 1932, a daughter, Barbara. This was during Depression years and jobs were hard to find. Dalpha had a sister and brother-in-law who lived in Juneau. Her brother-in-law worked at the A.J. Mine. He told Lloyd that there was lots of work in Juneau, so Lloyd came to Juneau by Alaska Steamship in the spring of 1935, to begin work at the mine. In the fall of 1935, his family was able to join him.

In 1939, Lloyd and Dalpha started the first car and motorscooter rental business in Juneau. It was called the ?Reid U Drive? and was located on South Main Street. Lloyd and Dalpha bought the Channel Bus Company in 1941. They got a contract with the Army when they had their base at Jordan Creek. In 1940, the Reids homesteaded the area known now as Thunder Mountain Trailer Park and Delta Acres. During the time they homesteaded, Dalpha renamed what is known today as Thunder Mountain. She named the mountain thunder because of all the slides that came down in the spring. In the early 1940?s, they saw a need for a city bus in Juneau and they started the City Bus Line.

Lloyd later logged for a living. He logged the area up the mountain north of Vanderbilt Hill and later at Kadashan Bay. At this time, Dalpha owned and operated her own tug, the Dalpha June. The Reids also had a construction business, and Lloyd was a demolition man. He blasted the rock for the highway beyond Eagle River Landing.

In 1959, Thunder Mountain Trailer Park was born and Thunder Mountain Subdivision. Lloyd ran the company business while Dalpha worked for the U. S. Forest Service and kept the books for the trailer park.

In the early 1960?s, Dalpha served as the first woman on the City and Borough Assembly. She was well respected and liked for her efforts made for the community.

Lloyd and Dalpha were very active with the horse community. Many horses went through their pasture. It all began in 1959, when Lloyd bought two mares from the California Contra County Posse when they came to Juneau. Shortly after, Lloyd went to Dyea and purchased Sundown, the stud that began quite a bit of the horse population in Juneau.

They sold the trailer park in the late 1960?s. By then they had built and were living in a big home which sat on a hill overlooking the park. Lloyd and Bud both passed away in the 1980?s, leaving Dalpha and daughter Barbara. Dalpha continued on at the homestead site until she moved into the Juneau Pioneers Home, where she continues to live today.

Dalpha has five grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren.